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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Leaving plenty of time to get your post count up. Unfortunately, no. Lengthy "water cooler talks" are very widely done. Also, a lot of employees there use plenty of time to do a lot of unstructured personal job/career development stuff ... you know, reading or surfing the web for info, learning, etc pertaining to your job (unlike some outfits, which expect you do ALL that shit on your own time ). However, you hardly ever see people there farting around on sites like CC.com. Hard to say, tho; I've only been there like a year. Nope.. just one of his many copycats.
  2. ...And most importantly, any who work in their downtown Seattle HQ? I’m thinking about applying for a job there. (IT position .... database analyst plus low-level manager type shindig). Was wondering what it’s like to work there. One friend of mine interviewed with them once (for a bank teller job) and said they promote, or at least portray, a hip, relaxed atmosphere ..... but that’s the branches. Was wondering what HQ is like. And namely, more than anything ... I'm wondering how many hours they make the typical IT guy there work per week. My current job ain't perfect... and it also ain't permanent... but good LORD is there a relaxed atmosphere there (here) when it comes to the overall pay-to-expectations ratio. Making pretty damn good money now (tho just minimal bennies, seeing as that I'm a contractor).. but .. but.. they ONLY make me work 40 hours per week!!!! We're currently in the process of rolling out a big project to hundreds of internal clients/customers, and a lot is on the line for us all, but none of my coworkers/bosses (as far as I can tell) are working more than 40, maayybe 45 hours, per week. From everythin I've heard of about today's job market, this is unheard of. (Or IS it?) I dunno.. I'll probably apply for this other job, cause it would/could be a good career move for me, but ........... even if I interview for it, and EVEN if they offer it to me, it'll have to be a DAMN lot more money/bennies/etc that what I'm making now, cuz for the most part I'm happy as a clam in my current digs. Thank you for allow capitalist to post!
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