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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Last week in Squamish I misplaced a pair of shoes invaluable to me and probably laughable to everyone else. They are very old style 5.10 high top Altias in really good shape acquired totally by fluke when someone brought them in to my resoler in Boulder. They are turquoise blue, somewhat purple. I will pay for the postage and give you a nice cam. Jeff Rabinowitz from Vancouver may have them still in his car but he has changed apartments and I do not have his new phone number. Lin in Boulder lin6@earthlink.net 303-345-4043
  2. UBB30-ML-496310-ML-
  3. Visiting Seattle from Boulder, want to climb! Looking for local partner on Mon, Tue or Wed, or happy to head up to Squamish for a few days there. Have car, rack, ropes, can generally lead up to 5.10. I may not be near a computer in the next couple of days. Give me a call if you want to climb...303-345-4043. -Lin Murphy
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