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Posts posted by thekorn

  1. Just got back; we had a great time. Some of us stayed in the mint hut and some of us stayed in tents outside. Good weather for the most part; we had one or two days of heavy fog and light rain. On the way up the ranger warned us that it was the busiest weekend of the year and 30 people were in the hut. When we arrived, no one was there, and no one showed up for 3 days. We never encountered another climbing party. We followed some melted out steps to grizzly pass one day. I remember thinking, geez this guy has a long stride, and also has his dog with him on the glacier. At the pass, in the dirt, it was evident that the tracks were from a gigantic bear and her cub.

    We managed to climb Peppermint, Spearmint, and Parlimint during the week.

    My only regret is no time to climb any of the other countless peaks in the area.

    The hut is in good shape and a pleasant place to stay. We hauled out some empty gas cans and other garbage on the way out.

    Thanks again wfinley for the beta.

  2. Thanks for the photos! We're planning on going last week of june and first week of July. My impression is most of the climbs are on snow with a rock finish. In general, how is the rock quality, difficulty, any climbs that should not be missed?


  3. OK, I don't buy the communing with nature bit because of the cameras, and potter is probably doing all climbers a disservice with regards to access issues.


    For me the larger issue is how can you compare the environmental impact of this ascent with the impact of the roads, parking lots, and visitor centers that the NPS has installed? I spent some time in Arches-it was sickening to see roads and cars everywhere in such a gorgeous and unique area. How could you pave a road and parking lots in such a setting? Are we going to talk about the environmental impact of this climb as the cars drive by in a never ending line? I know there are other beautiful areas in the desert, but Arches is still unique enough that it should have been designated wilderness. Same with Yosemite. Its silly to talk about the environmental impact climbers create when the park service has so completely degraded these areas by making them wheelchair accessible.

  4. So the summit register on lexington tower was originally placed there in the 50's by the Alpine Roamers, a group out of Wenatchee that to my knowledge no longer exists. The instructions on the front of the register are to return it when it is full- which it is- but the group no longer exists. So I grabbed the register when I climbed it the other weekend. The container is still there on the summit. My plan is to give the register to the library of the Mountaineers or the Mazamas. Anyone have a better idea?

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