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Posts posted by mofomojo15

  1. White in color. I bought this during a trip to Yosemite in early June 2011 because I forgot to bring one of my helmets from home. I never ended up using it so it is brand new, without the box. Retails for $60, selling for $45. I like this helmet a lot but I already have 2 others. My loss is your gain





    I am located in Corvallis and can ship for $5 additional. Thanks for looking!

    mcpherson.tyler at gmail.com if you have any questions

  2. Thanks Mike for posting. Sorry to the two guys we shared the ledge with while climbing and the odor. Sorry for any others that came up there. I didn't want to p*ss on anyone down below.


    Sucks about the ticket but I am happy to support WSP...


    Thanks for the hello from the boats, we got a kick out of it.


  3. Trip: Mt. Hood - Reid Glacier Headwall


    Date: 1/14/2007


    Trip Report:

    Brrrrrr, starting off from timberline around 3:30 am on Sunday morning, the four of us started off from Timberline Lodge with sub-zero temperaures(or so reported). We made fast pace up to illumination saddle and got over the ridge, protecting us from the strong winds right before dawn. Took a pack break here to analyze conditions and eat and hydrate before starting the focus of our climb. We unanimously decided that if winds didn't cease upon dropping down onto the base of the headwall, we would turn around.


    After dropping off IR, we downclimbed 45 degree ice and traversed over to the base of the headwall. I started leading the first 800 feet or so, which consisted of postholing upto my thighs and quickly became tiring. The other three followed. I stopped just shy of the first hourglass and after crossing the bergschrund, which was mostly covered and only about 20 feet deep.


    Mike took over the lead through the hourglass which consisted of WI3(?) and had difficult placement and a little mixed climbing(spicy). Snowpack was phenomenal and made crampon and tool placement awesome. After getting to a good belay on a steep section above the hourglass, Mike belayed me up and we simulclimbed the rest of the route, placing snow pickets every 400 feet or so, mostly free-soloing. Greg and Rob followed in our tracks and cleaned our gear.


    The west face remained cold until the summit ridge where temperatures dramatically rose once exposed to the sun. The upper reach of the headwall was 65 degrees or so and took all the mental and physical strength of all of us to complete. I have never been so physically wasted due to cold, low caloric intake, and dehydrations, on top of 2,500 feet of >45 degree climbing. Once on the summit ridge, Mike and I were about 1.5 hours ahead of the other duo and I traversed over to the hogsback while Mike ran up to the summit alone. Greg and Rob joined me on the hogsback just as Mike returned from the summit and we decended in almost tropical weather on the south face.


    We were fortunate to have the solitude on the west face and escape the normal crowds of the south face. It was worth sticking through the chill factor just to have our own serenity. Although only one summited, all of us felt as though we had accomplished something great by completing the headwall.


    Tyler McPherson

    Corvallis, OR



    Gear Notes:

    4 ice screws

    2 pickets,

    2 tools each

    one axe


    Approach Notes:

    Illumination Ridge via palmer

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