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Everything posted by Strider13

  1. Hi, I'm considering the N Ridge route on the M Sister, via Hayden. What is the best place for a camp on the M Sister N ridge approach this time of year? When it is the best time to leave for the summit? Thanks in advance! Strider
  2. Hi, I would much appreciate if somebody could post the current conditions for the Easton Glacier or Boulder Glacier routes on the Mt. Hood. We are (a team of 2) considering one of them for this weekend. Is there a big avalanche danger there currently? Or may be you could recommend some other grade 2 or 3 route on Mt. Baker with the good conditions now? Thanks in advance! Strider
  3. Hi, Have you tried the Sunshine Route on Mt. Hood anytime recently? What could be the current conditions? We are thinking about trying this on the upcoming weekend (in a team of 2). Is Tilly Jane trail accessible from the road / parking lot? Any beta is much appreciated? Thanks! Andrew
  4. Well, I tried to do it this Sat/Sun night but had to turn back due to extreme wind. Despite the forecast all Saturday was blue sky, no clouds. Saturday night was all stars. I camped at tie-in rock and the route looked certainly in shape. But then at around 8pm wind started and by the time I was planning to leave (1am) it became so strong that was almost overthrowing me . I made an attempt but then decided not to test my luck. The wind was blowing towards Eliot. Someone w. better experience on this route might make a different decision, but that's how I decided. The route is definitely going to stay in shape next week or so. -Strider13
  5. Thanks a ton! -Strider13
  6. Hey MarkyD, Thanks for the info, I appreciate that! A few questions: - How is the Tilly Jane trail? Is it all snow? - Is the Tilly Jane trail entrance on the ski resort marked? - How much time did it take you to get from the tie-in rock to the summit? - Is there a snow overhang at the summit entrance? I would appreciate any pics you could send me. You might either post them here (by the amount of Views this thread received in less than 24hrs I would assume the subject is interesting to others); or you can send those pics me via e-mail (please see my profile). Sincerely, S.
  7. Actually I plan soloing it in a few days, if the weather won't be too nasty. I just reached a final stage of SAD (severe alpine deficiency) Thanks for your comments guys! ---------------------------------- Cogito ergo sum -S.
  8. Hi, Does anyone have any info on the current route conditions for Cooper Spur? Is it still doable? Especially, how is the upper part? Got some word about 2 weeks ago that this route seems to be over-crouded these days (again, that was 2 weeks ago). Can you confirm? Regards, S.
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