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About osgumero

  • Birthday 03/08/1984


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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Curious to hear about any experiences people on here might have with the WAC intermediate course (or even of the mountaineers intermediate course for that matter) My current partner pool is getting harder to get together as they are getting married/have kids and are spreading out a bit more geographically, so I'm considering taking a club "intermediate course" more for a way to meet people that are of similar skills and aspirations (climbs like Forbidden, Goode, Triumph, Baker N. Ridge, Buckner, etc). Beyond getting some more ice experience in (which I'm admittedly I'm bit lacking in experience with), I don't really expect to learn a whole lot as I know how to lead on rock. I haven't had any experience with the WAC, but they seem a bit less structured and their course looks to be a lot less of a time commitment than the mountaineers, which is why I'm considering it. The one question I have is it looks like if you didn't really make any good connections while in their course, opportunities to meet people seem a bit more limited, which is the one thing that makes the mountaineers appealing is you can simply sign up to go on a climb if you want to get out and nobody else you know is available. And Thoughts?
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