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Everything posted by Bilbo

  1. Thanks for all the suggestions... I appreciate you sharing the local knowledge! I'll have to pull out the guidebooks and have a look at these routes. Fisher Chimneys on Shuksan is spectacular, did that last summer and really enjoyed it! Anyone have any more details about the "washed away" approach to Frostbite Ridge on Glacier Peak?
  2. Any suggestions for a New England climber who likes to solo and may find himself out in your area for a week or two this summer? I lead WI4 and 5.9 trad rock so I'm pretty solid on the basics. Most of my Cascades experience has been on the volcanos and a bunch of alpine rock climbs in the Washington Pass area... I'm looking primarily for routes where I can get on some snow & ice with minimal crevasse hazard, yet not total walkups. Time frame probably mid-summer. Any suggestions?
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