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About Kelsey
- Birthday 11/30/1999
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Gumby (1/14)
Lance, I'll always show up for free pizza! I'll have to see if I can find a cute girl to bring for your to meet for unrelated and unspecified reasons. But if theres only 6 climbers in AK with internet how many of them do you think are girls? Kelsey
Mark, It was great to meet you the other day down at Wiener Lake. Your photos are amazing! I stared at them for a while before peeling myself back to some homework. Oh, and I've been a smugmug character for 4 years, so welcome to Smugmug too!
Alright, we have changed the picture. If that guy doesn't give permission to use him in a photo I am screwed. :[] Thanks again.
Josh, I agree and am going to change the photo. I appreciate your candid responses as well. Any comments are always welcomed when said with a level head. I hope you guys had a good time in Yosemite!
Josh, To be honest I didn't actually think of it that way. Billy contacted me and asked if he could use a photo. I said sure and he chose one off the site. I didn't think there would be any issues with it, the image is more of a "look theres climbers here!" It was never supposed to be attached to any kind of negative remarks as these threads have seen recently. I can understand fully if she is unhappy thinking her image is used as that of a bolting war. If she is unhappy with it I will change the image no problem. I like Allison and highly respect her. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
Kelsey n00b Registered: 01/27/05 Posts: 37 I posted a response to your queries on Supertopo in the Finley thread. _________________________ Visit Alaska Mountain Forum!! Top Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply Quick Quote Email Topic Unread By: none #234730 - Today at 02:07 PM Re: Response. johnkelley member Registered: 02/15/05 Posts: 155 Loc: Anchorage Alaska Fuck u kid Top Reply Quote Quick Reply Quick Quote Email Topic Unread By: none #234731 - Today at 02:10 PM Re: Response. Kelsey n00b Registered: 01/27/05 Posts: 37 Thats a heck of a way to admit your wrong. _________________________ Visit Alaska Mountain Forum!! Top Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply Quick Quote Email Topic Unread By: none #234732 - Today at 02:11 PM Re: Response. Kelsey n00b Registered: 01/27/05 Posts: 37 All that language sure makes you sound like a big grown up. _________________________ Visit Alaska Mountain Forum!! Top Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply Quick Quote Email Topic Unread By: none #234734 - 57 minutes 48 seconds ago Re: Response. johnkelley member Registered: 02/15/05 Posts: 155 Loc: Anchorage Alaska Want to buy your hangers back? --------------- There ya go John is that better? All that stuff I had to hide? I just figured maybe nobody around here really gives a damn and its not necessary to fill this form with crap to everyones knees. I know you like a public showdown but you are really just full of crap. Also, the kind of person who will pull replaced bolts on routes where it was needed is a real prick. Do we really need to have this conversation on two boards? Why do you love the attention so much. I thought you were the type who didn't like the hype.
Name calling now? Why do all your threads dissolve to you calling people names and acting like an angry child that had your favorite barbie stolen? Okay look obviously your having a good time, and you even got me arguing again but I have just to many things in life to do to focus on your ramblings. So I think your going to have to play to an empty room here cause I'm going climbing.
Sarah would probably just sell the whole thing to buy a second tour bus! Although, it is the Seward Highway so..... genepires, Thank you for the reminder that I am now contributing to a fight on the internet. Reminds me of an old saying "In an internet fight it doesn't matter who wins. You're still an idiot." The plan was originally drafted in 2008. Reason for Plan Revision Since the last plan was adopted in 1980, much has changed. The population of Anchorage and surrounding areas has grown resulting in increased use of the park. This use has stressed park facilities that are often beyond capacity and caused access impacts to neighboring communities. Recreational uses and technology have changed since the park was established placing new demands on park facilities that could not have been previously anticipated. The previous plan was published with the knowledge that nearly 10% of the park area was selected by Eklutna Inc. and there would be land management implications associated with their selections. Land selection decisions have been made and management implications need addressing. Additionally, as with all management plans, continuous review is necessary to insure that the concepts and recommendations reflect the changing needs of the public and the purposes for which the park was created. Planning Process The Department of Natural Resources began a comprehensive planning process to revise this plan in the Spring of 2008. The planning process not only included a revision of the 1980 Master Plan but also a revision of the 1986 Trails Plan for the park and the development of a joint State/Municipality of Anchorage Chugach Access Plan. Public scoping workshops were held in Anchorage, Eagle River and Indian to gather information and identify issues and concerns. Over 170 people participated in these workshops and over 135 written comments4 May 2011 Chugach State Park Management Plan Chapter 1: Introduction PUBLIC REVIEW DRAFT were received during the scoping period. To learn more specifically how people wanted to use and develop the park, additional focus group meetings were held throughout the remainder of 2008 with a variety of user groups. The Department decided after the scoping phase to focus on the development of the trail management and access plans initially. The thinking was that the input received on these plans would help inform the development of the overall management plan and ultimately make it a more comprehensive document. The draft trail management plan was issued for public review in August of 2009 and the comment period extended until mid October 2009. The draft access plan was released for review in January of 2010 and the comment period ended the beginning of May 2010. Public meetings were again held during each comment period in a variety of communities and a tremendous amount of input was received. The input resulted in a clearer vision for access and park trails as well as for the management concepts and facility proposals contained in this document. This plan has been issued for public review. After the public comment period is over, the plan will be revised as needed based on the input received. A final plan is then prepared for the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources to adopt. Once adopted, the plan becomes the policy of the Department and is implemented by staff
John : I think your blinded by your want to always blame me for everything that bothers you. Besides, Sunshine Ridge probably only has half that amount of bolts. Also most have been removed except for the anchors. That happened years ago. I'd say about 4 or 5? If you don't like the book the write one better. Geez, its just a constant stream of complaints out of you. Most of them are unfounded. The amount of people that have thanked me for coming out with a guidebook far outweighs your negative attitude. I love climbing and I enjoy helping others climb. If they are excited to go climbing because of something I wrote then that is a good thing to me. Stop exaggerating everything to fit your cause. If you are going to build some sort of argument perhaps you should actually find the truth first instead of just assuming why something is happening. Your problem from the start.
opened up online ordering. Book should be here April 17th for advance copies and 4 weeks later for the rest. I have 30 advance copies available for online ordering now! http://www.alaskarockclimbing.com/?page_id=78
I heard a Bee. It went buzz. It was very annoying.
Hiya McGinnis Ya John let me know about it and I considered putting it in but never got the time to head up there. I will probably do that this summer so I may tap your brain then.
Hiya, JK. I don't climb on my vacation time because I climb more then I work. I suppose that means working is my vacation. Then I take it and make it climbing work and heck I just don't know what to do with myself but write a much needed climbing guidebook for AK!
AMF is back up. Rock on. Kelsey
The site that was hosting the domain went out of business and decided to take it along. Then when I was finally able to get it back they said they wanted $160 for holding fee's. Couldn't do anything about it so I had to pay it but I fought it for a while.