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    Portland, Peoples Rebublic of OR

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Hey Strider, This is verging on over-beta. It’s all good. Go do it. But you ask, so I will tell. - How is the Tilly Jane trail? Is it all snow? There’s no snow until above the cabins. The snow line is just below tree line, which is maybe 500 feet(?) in elevation above the cabins. I always take a left at the cabins then a right at that big canyon (Palallie?) and use it as a handrail up to treeline. - Is the Tilly Jane trail entrance on the ski resort marked? Yes. On Cloud Cap road there is a short section where: there is a pullout on the right (paved, I think), across from the pullout is a gate on the left to go up to the Ski area (gate now closed). On the far edge of the first pullout go through an open gate to a dirt pullout on the right. The trail is on left side of road across from the dirt pull out. There are some signs at the start of the trail a bit into the woods. If you miss this and continue on, you’ll be driving up to Cloud Cap (or the gate, which ever comes first). This is description may be a bit off - I’ve been there a bunch of times and don’t pay attention to the landmarks. - How much time did it take you to get from the tie-in rock to the summit? About 3 hours – again, inspired by fear. - Is there a snow overhang at the summit entrance? There’s no cornice at the lip of the Spur where you top out about 200 feet south of the summit. North of the summit, more directly over the N Face, there’s definitely a cornice in places. Of course, this can change. There are options topping out of the Spur. You could go left to join the top of W’yest. Or you could go more right, pull the lip just at the summit and scream to all the sleeping tourists . I don’t have a web server to store the pics my partner took, so I’ll mail them to you. Feel free to post the ones where I’m looking good (if any) . Have Phun, MarkyD
  2. Hey Strider13, We did Cooper Spur a few days ago Friday (5/27). Here’s the story - we started from the lower parking lot (by the ski area). The snow line is about at the tree line. So hopefully it will not be long until the gates are opened and you can drive up to Cloud Cap. On the hike in to the Tilly Jane cabins we could see the full moon through the woods, it was pretty cool. Lower down much of the snow can be avoided by keeping to the edge of the Elliot lateral moraine. Where you had to get on snow, starting at the ridge crest near tie-in-rock, it was all breakable crust. We broke through a few inches. The lower Cooper face is filled with fresh new slides. Once you get past the fan of avalanche debris, the crust was gone (or should I say swept away). We stayed on the left edge of the slides. The conditions on the top of the face are fine. There are some rocky sections sticking out (that we used to shield any potential stuff falling from above). We were on snow the whole way, it was all good. Friday was really hot and full on sun . So inspired by fear of avalanche we really booked up the last 2.5K feet. We topped out around 7:30AM. (It took us 7hr 40min to summit.) By the time we got near the top things were getting soft, but still reasonable. Our steps were not collapsing and my crampons were just starting to ball up about 100 feet below the summit. We did not see anyone on the Spur and did not see any signs of people, save a few faint boot prints lower down. We shuttled a car around to Timberline so we could descend the south side. I definitely would not have wanted to descend the Spur on Friday morning (with avy risk increasing by the minute) . I guess if we started descending about 6AM or so, it would have been OK. But anything later in the day than that, fagetaboutit. When we topped out we had the summit to ourselves (but only for a precious 10 min.). I can send you some pics, if you’re interested. Have Phun.
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