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  1. At the end of the maintained road across from the route is a small parking area for a cabin. There is also a dated sign nailed to a tree directing climbers to not trespass. Park here and begin walking up the road. The provincial park boundary is marked by a sign approx 200 m up the road. Go another 500 m and look for flagging tape on the left side. The trail splits after 50 m. One fork climbs the fence (not cool) while the other goes up and right until it passes through an open gate. Follow flagging and trench to the route. Jon Heshka
  2. Oregon Jack is in fine shape. Climbed it on the 2nd. A couple of recent Abalakov rap anchors are mid-route. Middle section is a bit cauliflowered and upper column is just a little thin. Jon Heshka
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