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Everything posted by KubeK

  1. Merry Christmas for all of You Have fan, climb wisely , be safe.
  2. Yes , the lake showed in photo is a "morskie oko" - sea eye or something like that. I dont remember what mountain is behind. meybe the highest "rysy"
  3. We have great beer in 0.5l, normal is about 5.5 % alcochol , strong is about from 7 - 9 % alcochol
  4. I wrote You something about mountains in Poland. In my country I have some main mountain strings starting from south-west "karpaty" "sudety" "beskid" "tatry" "bieszczady" The highest top of the highest and the moust powerfull mountains in my country "tatry" is over 2100m I dont remember exacly. Under those mountains is a small city "zakopane" the center of Polish mountainers. I have some pictures but only in a paper form, if I find somebody with scaner I will post them. The ice-climbing teritory is only in "tatry" there plenty of big mountains , some icefalls, full of caves. Theres a wery difficult and fameus hill called "mnich" - monk. We have a litle more rock climbing places. The center of the rock climbing is a place between two citys' "krakow" and "czestochowa" it is called "jura czestochowsko krakowska" there are plenty of roads ,even scalled to 8c. Nearest my city "wroclaw" theres a couple of climbing roads in "kudowa" city and in the "sobutka" rockmines. ( I must find scaner ! I have so many pictures ) In Poland there arent many climbers , its not so popular like in France or Uk in the europe. About a caves, we have wonderfull caves about 10 km long with a underground lakes and rivers, I dont seen them but my climbing teacher was a caveman in the past and he tell me about it. Finaly if someone like to hike mountains with rucksack come to Poland , if someone like ice-climbing come to our neiberhood - Czech republik. If I find some more pictures or scanner for the paper pictures I will post them with coment . Thanks for Your posts and help, All of You are great peoples. If somebody have time or money to help me with the gear please do it. Thanks once more time.
  5. My moust expensive thing is a photo camera borrowed from my fiencee brother. I wear casual sweter,normal shose,and old trousers ( like M65 ) but from china :-). When I find some photos I will post them. Thanks
  6. Yes , on south of my country theres a lot of mountains and full of caves. Our mountains aren't big. Highest top is about 2200m. On the picture its a mountain called "trzy korony" - 3 crowns ( king hat :-) ) its 1400m high or something like that. When I find some more pictures I could post them.
  7. Thanks for all your answers. I understend Stanley. Does somebody said that someone , or have to do anything like said "specjaled". I dont have any ideas how to prove that I'm not a thief or joker. I dont want to sell anything on ebay and things like that. The "billythegoat" ( I hope I wrote it good ) mail me that the package is on the way - its great that somebody belive in me. Even if He send me a smallest thing - I will be wery happy. Thanks
  8. Thsnks SquirrelE1
  9. When I add my post it was a simple ask,but now,time is running and I see that most of you use my post for jokes,for chat. If someone read all the posts that You wrote Hi will see what a kind off a persons We ( all of as ) are. I must tell You that the one Man wrote to me a e-mail and offered a help, that is good soul. He don't joke,He don't tell ,me that the carabineer cost more than a shipment,He only ask do I really need a climbing gear. I don't begging You for help,I don't forced You to helping me. I don't know do the Man who helped me wont to wrote about him,and his friend,but They are really best , and kindest persons in climbing world. Thank You for Your posts even these with teh jokes. Thans, See Ya
  10. Its ok if someone can't halp me its ok , if someone don't have money to help me its ok, but if someone leafing at me because I as for help,that is meean No body must help me, its only a "asking for help" I know that a carab cost 15 $ and shipment cost a 20 $. My post was only a asking for help.
  11. It patetic, My post is only a topic for jokes. All situation shows what persons You are. Look at users like : shapp,szyjakowski,dru,specialed - They stend at the front of a mirror and see only a realy f...up guy. Some of the peoples have money , and some of them don't - its no funny , and I hope that all of You someday will be in need of help.
  12. Yes Im from Poland. I know that life is hard and I should earn money by my self but sometimes it's imposible for meny reasons. Users of this forum are climbers, so they have knowledge,they know how fascinating is climbing. - thas why Im asking You for help. A day of working ( simple work for student ) ist about 50 zł ( 14 $ ),ist only one carrabinerr. By the way, specjaly for user called "Gripped" : My english isn't good, but it isn't a topic for forum "Gripped"
  13. Hi, I start to train rock climbing a feew monts ago , ist a great sport and You know it, but it is expensive sport too, If anybody have some free gear ( carabiners, belay tool, or everything else ) pleas help me. Cost of a new gear it's to much for me. Thanks! My mail is : mbeze@interia.pl
  14. Hi, I start to train rock climbing a feew monts ago , ist a great sport and You know it, but it is expensive sport too, If anybody have some free gear ( carabiners, belay tool, or everything else ) pleas help me. Cost of a new gear it's to much for me. Thanks! My mail is : mbeze@interia.pl
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