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Posts posted by keithrobine

  1. Hat's off to whomever built the new trail getting up the last bit to Blow of Choss. It avoids the nasty scree and is beautifully switchbacked. Thank you!! It's nice to know these areas are still receiving some TLC. My buddy and I both finally redpointed Blow of Choss after several years of struggle. Hard to find partners here in Rossland, BC. Anyone keen ... I'm available for Marcus/China Bend this fall, especially this Monday or Tuesday (Oct. 8 or 9).


    Cheers, Keith

  2. Hello everyone. The mini-guide is almost finished and I should be able to upload to the web in the next couple weeks or so. If anyone is planning to go, I can probably email it to you sooner. Also, I'm in Spokane on Monday, Aug. 28 and would be keen to climb with someone on Monday morning.



  3. I camped in the valley for the one previous trip to the Pass, however is it possible/ok to camp up high, say in the basin underneath the west faces of the Early Winter Spires? I was thinking this would be most efficient if doing several routes over a couple/three days. Anyone done that?


    Thanks, Keith

  4. Sorry it's taken so long to respond. I had a good excuse - Yosemite. Arden, glad to hear you also enjoyed Birthday Crack, 5.11b. I agree, but I'm biased. Visiting Mom, starts up the next crack to the right, and traverses left through various crack systems before shooting up and right through the final splitter finger crux. I imagine it's a 12. I've led with aid and TR'ed with help. I'd love to hear from whomever gets the FFA. I'll put together a topo over the winter and post a link.

    Curtveld - if you could track down your friend Marc, I'd like to talk with him so I can give credit if it's due. All the cracks required extensive cleaning, but 20 years could do that.



  5. My friend Francois and I rebuffed the trail to the rock at China Bend today. The summer growth had made it difficult to follow. Great climbing day there today. Just about the entire wall stays dry in the rain.

    I still need to finish the guide to Onion Creek, but I'm getting there. I'll be so bold as to say that I would put Birthday Crack as one of the top 10 5.11 crack climbs in the state. Visiting Mom is also pretty damn good, in the 5.12 range, and has yet to see a redpoint.

  6. Anybody heard of someone using one 60 m twin rope for sport climbing? I think you would tie into both ends and lead with both ends of the rope. When you get to the top, you rap off (max. 30 m) The second can relead on the double strand or TR on the single strand. You're probably asking ... why? My friends are going on their honeymoon to Croatia and want to travel light. Your thoughts?

  7. I've got 2 youngin's aged 3 and 6, plus their graying dad looking for another family or two to hook up anytime between Friday afternoon and Sunday 4/29-5/1. My ideal is 3 adult climbers to share(1 climb, 1 belay, 1 kid mind). We're travelling down from Rossland, BC to climb Post Falls, Minnehaha, whatever is kid friendly. I'm into trad or sport up to 5.11b ish. Keith

  8. Hi. We've been doing trips with kids to various locations over the past 5 years. I agree with a previous post that it's safest to have at least 1 person as the designated kid watcher and to trade off with that duty. It works well and is a cooperative effort between families. Kids need to be protected from rockfall, and I need to be more diligent about that.

    We're planning a trip to the Tieton May 14-23. Anyone interested can let me know and we'll stay in touch as more specific plans are formed. Keith

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