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Everything posted by aircooled

  1. Anyone been up the Tooth Lately? I have a friend coming into town and would like to take him climbing. Do we need ice axes and/or crampons to safely get to the saddle near pineapple pass for the easy route?
  2. Icefall, The difference between being homeless and without a current address is all in the state of mind. Having worked in an Industry that forces me to be "homeless" I have learned a few things. First go get a P.O. Box, you will need an address to apply for jobs, Secondly get a cell phone if you don' already have one. Get a pay as you go if you can't afford a plan right now. No one will hire you without an address as phone number. Beyond that what is up with "Im done sleeping in a tent unless up on a mountain, because I am worth more." Get over that, Bouncing from camp ground to camp ground is many acube farm/nine to fivers day dream. You really need to change your attitude and start thinking of this time as an opportunity where you don't need to worry about rent payments and utility bills. Finally if you really want a job, You live in Seattle. Go fishing. Look up American Seafoods, Trident Seafoods, or any of the other hundred fishing companys that home port in Seattle. Sign on for a trip, bank some money, and working in Alaska is the surest quickest cure for failed relationships, lost jobs or what ever is getting you down.
  3. Tired of sitting at the crag getting wet and dirty in your tent? Try out a VW camper van! This van is a WA veteran from summer cragging to winter riding. New engine, new canvas, great bus, in bright orange. 2700.00 OBO lorax_bhm@yahoo.com for info and picts.
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