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Posts posted by larrythellama

  1. Was passing through Central Oregon and bivied at Skull Hollow (aka the grasslands) what a shit pile it has turned into. Trash, toilet paper, batteries cans all over the place, there is hardly any grass to speak of. I always thought the large NOLS/ OB groups would make a significant impact and they sure have. It was a true disappointment to see this, so much for climbers respecting nature.

  2. WSDOT can't even keep the interstate plowed. To run a state plow truck for a 12hr shift costs around $3000. Most plow trucks are not set up for forest roads, gonna need a loader with a blade, bout $1500 for a shift. Prolly need a fleet of four to be effective, so that would put the weekend plowing of Strobach at about $12000. What a waste of money.


    Hwy 20 year round is possible, and by no means more dangerous then alot of mountain roads in europe or canada for that matter. Again it comes down to budget and the cost of keeping hwy20 plowed comes nowhere close to the revenue earned from the communites directly effected.

  3. couple of things


    1. sux to be those guys and cannot hope enough that they are okay.

    2. the sno-cats need a blade to be effective in deep snow...just like an bulldozer.

    3. sled dogs and what not would be the ideal tool for travel in these conditions and the nord breeds tend to have an ability to seek the shelter that all animals crave in conditions like they are experiencing right now. dogs can also be good to searching as we all know.

    4. das parka is a nice jackets but we all now the limitations of these garmets.

    5. as far as the book "-148" they were properly equipped for their climb in the winter and that is the #1 reason art davidson and crew survivied, also they stayed together which can lend huge support to each individuals ability to survive mentally.

    6. the locater beacons like avy beacons instill a false sense of security in all situations. they are more of a body recovery device then something that will make good decisions and assist physically in a safe climb.\

    7. the "light and lucky" school should only be practiced by people who are within in their ability. this goes especially for weekend warriors.

    8. the searchers(you have to find someone to rescue them) are doing a great job and should all be comended for staying with the fight even though the cards are down.


    i used to and at times still do participate in sar call outs, and it is hard to maintain a positive frame of mind through the ordeal, the best bet for anyone wanting to help in the immediate should contact the american red cross in hood river/ the dalles and offer your support there.


    good luck everyone involved.



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