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Everything posted by dogboy

  1. Nice shiny new crampon, found June 6th
  2. On the way down from ElDorado.
  3. It's full length large. I'll ship if you pay shipping.
  4. Used one trip 50.00
  5. sold thank you.
  6. reply sent
  7. $40.00 Ballard Area
  8. still available
  9. Vickster, Check your PM's
  10. New Matic Binding. Used Once $90.00
  11. I was up there two weeks ago. Lots of people were summiting the east ridge. We were trying the NE face and were turned around by a large crevass and incomimg weather.
  12. Sold
  13. Bonded Rubber
  14. Size 13 Scarpa Invernos and early edition Sabre Tooths that fit the boots. $200.00 for the combo.
  15. 150.00
  16. A couple of years ago, there was a notice at the trailhead from his owners. The dog's name is Eddie, he lives nearby and he knows what he's doing. The notice was asking people not to try and "rescue" him.
  17. on Guye peak PM if it's yours
  18. Anyone lose it? Tell me where.
  19. The OR's are sold, somebody buy the parka! Thanks.
  20. The 40 belows are sold
  21. The XGK is sold
  22. XL Feathered Friends Rock And Ice Goretex Parka used one trip $200.00 OR PRO mittens w/shell $50.00 XGK w/heat extractor $40.00 XL 40 belows $25.00 PM me if interested Seattle area
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