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Everything posted by faster_than_poo

  1. A nuisance, who sent, you sent for me?
  2. Sure am, British Nobber. Back in WWII I used to be a seaman...
  3. The Rooster got really wet, but he's home now, eating some ham. Hey Rooster:
  4. Don't tempt me Dru...
  5. Sure are_Nodder.
  6. Here's some poo for you Dru...
  7. If there is such a thing... I feel saturated by it... I can taste your stink and everytime I do I fear that somehow I've been infected . It's repulsive isn't it?
  8. steaksauce had to try it. I had no idea that _nod also produced such results. Dumb asses.
  9. No, we were looking for the Turkey Lady.
  10. Hey Dru, Watcha gunna do? When I turn your avatar image to poo?
  11. Piece of candy for you... Piece of candy for you... Piece of candy for you... And.. YOU DON'T GET ONE YOU DIRTY NODDER_! Sure am Nodder_!
  12. He ain't dead yet!
  13. How about this...
  14. Sure would _Nodder!
  15. If you see a_Nodder, you do what I do; Run! What is he doing? He doesn't know.
  16. sureisnoddersure isnoddersureisnodder nodderohmygod
  17. Sure is a pagetop_Nodder.
  18. This picture has nothing to do with this thread. This thread is about The_Nodder. There is no "Otter" and never was. The "Otter" is dead. Please show some love for The_Nodder.
  19. The_nodder? Oh my God!
  20. Can you believe it? I can't believe it. My bee-had is everything! Regardless... It sure is smoky in here...
  21. Hey _Top, How's your bumnodder today?
  22. steaknodder! ...
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