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  1. well you got me there sobo you know more about iowa hills than i do i'm not much of a rock/hill climber i'm not a big man so just climbing up on a barstool is about the extent of it for me check out this web link http://www.wcfcourier.com/articles/2004/02/10/sports/local/0eb89bb0005d321886256e36005b9be7.txt this is 2 miles north of my farm i took the kids sledding yesterday p.m. and climbers were climbing these darn things when we drove by so we stopped and visited a bit you climbing types are a different breed of cat ah, if only i were a bit younger make that a lot younger
  2. Hey Sobo The internet is such a cool thing.....even a few years ago such a thing would have been impossible......awesome! I bought a topo map of "Darland Mountain" .....if we were to do the west approach, where might we park a car and begin our ascent? And could we get up there and down before nightfall......if this question about climbing a 7,000 foot 'mountain' strikes you aas ludicrous, bear in mind we hail from a state whose highest point of elevation is Ocheydan Mound at just over 1,000.....it is in fact a human made pile of dirt......love your sense of humor and use of the icons.......we're going to need to meet at Grant's pub so I can buy you one or more
  3. we will be driving up the pacific coast highway from san francisco then i'm thinking that we'll drive along the columbia river i'm thinking we'll head out from yakima but i'm open to any ideas like i say i really have no clue about the area if you ever saw the movie 'the blues brothers' "....we're on a mission from god....." type of action my kids - teenagers - are bound to "scale" darland mountain and take family photos, etc.
  4. hi sobo thanks for all the great info could you give me a little more detail as far as driving south on what highway, get off where, possible places to park and walk up from etc. i really appreciate all the info and help on this j.d.
  5. Hi sobe what does it mean 'no hiking approach whatsoever' do you mean it can not be hiked up or that it is not a challenging hike help me out here
  6. I am just a dumb flatlander whose kids discovered the existence of Darland Mountain in southwest Washington and are determined to climb same as a part of this summer's family vacation (see Clark Griswold, family truckster)......so I am starting at 0 elevation here.....I believe it is in the Yakima Indian Reservation.....the topozone map shows a trail.....I need lots of information......and am hoping that some of the experienced and helpful people out there can point me in the right direction.....this is only a 7,000 high 'peak' here so am I correct in thinking we can get a topomap, drive within a couple miles, hike up there and hike back down in 8 hours?......so thanks for any info. anyone out there can offer me....
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