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Posts posted by jack_johnson

  1. I ski with two boarders and they feel the same way about the side slip fantasy. Save the powder for those that know how to do it. One of the boarders is a young girl that has two years of experience and she can flat ass fly down the slopes. Great to watch her. Her boy friend has been on skis and since he was two and then switched to the Dark Side when he was a punk teen. He went fat and never came back.

    We were at Baker this weekend and had a ball. Most boarders there have a clue of the rules of the road. Those that don't get shit from the other boarders. At least that is what I am told by the people I know.

  2. who the fuck writes letters anymore? i think it is phony.

    lummox has a point here. This "letter" is a probably a ploy to draw the generals and intelligence people off base. Some how the US military fails to ask the ground troop officers what their take is on stuff or if they do ask its dismissed. From personal experience I know that the average officer in the field has a "feel" for what is happening and will bounce stuff off his NCO.

  3. I've never met a climber with a small ego.


    I have. They are the ones who after climbing for 5 to 10 years, are still not quite confident to do their first lead yellaf.gif

    Hey don't make fun cry.gifcry.gifcry.gif I have led a few times tongue.gif


    Hey Muffy, just go trad climbing skip that sport shit and slam in as much pro as you can then you'll feel safe. I did my first lead the first day I started climbing. I was an outcast at my school hence very few friends. I bought a few nuts, a few biners, a rope and some used EBs. Took my one good friend, some weed to get him to come along, a book so we could read about belaying and that was it. I was hooked on adrenaline. Only thing better than climbing for adrenaline is jumping out of a plane with all your gear between your legs. wazzup.gif

  4. You seem to imply that we should have taken on the threat that Korea poses first. This would be like taking on the World Cup champions without even playing a few pick up games with your team first.


    So this whole business of the U.S. telling the international community to go Fuck themselves, driving huge wedges between Washington and all their erstwhile allies, and totally alienating most of the world's population, was meant to be a "team-building" exercise?


    Do you believe that this is by design? If you don't then you are a fool. I have been in the hell holes, I have seen the other side and I know what is in store for either side. It ain't pretty. So far Canada, USA and even Mexico have been lucky. Wait my friends it will get worse and it will get bloody on all sides of the oceans.

  5. I only carry the nessecities of my day. And after blistering sun, blistering wind, and blistered feet; my hands throbing and the skin torn; joints ache, lungs burn, and the blood is weak; I don't find truth in this escape, it just comes... It does not matter if i have succseeded or failed, it only matters that I have let go of my illutions, and so I feel truth...



    Good take for you. I felt that way about 1985 thru 1995 when I was working for the federal government in South America and South East Asia as a private consultant for various business enterprises that American and American allies were installing to help the governments in those countries. Except some the local trouble makers didn't want help for their people they would disrupt our measures. My job centered around trying to find a middle ground for all parties involved. This was not a pleasant situation at times but a job is a job.

  6. I climb because I don't give a shit about anyone else but me and who ever my partner is at the moment. Other than that its all about me and making myself happy and wise. Huh, maybe that is why I can't keep a lady or stay married.

  7. Way can't one of the numerous political parties in the United States come up with a good candidate for the president's seat? Do they all have to such low pieces of flotsam that only then do they make it to the top of the septic tank of choice. God I am sick and tired of voting for them.


    By the way I think I see a Kennedy arm or hand up his back running things.

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