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Gumby (1/14)



  1. I know that it's non-technical but I'm a newbie and planning to climb Adams this weekend (7/26) via the South Side route. I did it the 1st weekend of June but there was so much snow, the Cold Springs campground was snowed-in and we had to hike the extra 3 miles. I'm just curious to know if anyone has an idea re: the conditions up there this weekend. Much snow? Scree? There is water up at the Lunch Counter, isn't there? Also, I don't have a gps and found it a little tricky getting back to the car last time. I would guess that it will be easier to spot the trail without as much snow. Correct? Any advice/information on this route would be very much appreciated. Thank you, Howard
  2. I lost the ice axe glissading below the Lunch Counter (using trekking poles to arrest) on Sunday, June 9th. It was an REI rental. They weren't very happy. I was even unhappier when my credit card got charged. Its got a green shaft with an orange leash. 75cm. If found, please, please, please let me know or take to the Trout Lake Ranger Station....I can't really afford the cost. Thanks!!
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