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Gumby (1/14)



  1. I'll second that, I use the same tactics to drop any excess pounds I acquire over the winter season, it works very well. Additionally, I make sure that I eat throughout the day so that I never get too hungry, and at each meal eat to the point of satiation, but not beyond, especially at dinner. If you are going to eat a big meal, it is better to do it earlier in the day, and eat a smaller dinner.
  2. Has anyone had rock climbing shoes resoled in Seattle? Mine are due for a resole and I wanted to know if there are any recommendations for who I should take them to. The two places I have found are: Dave Page Cobbler and Ramuta's Shoe Repair. Has anyone used these places, and if so, did they do a good job and would you recommend them?
  3. Oh yeah, leaving from Seattle.
  4. Does anyone want to share a ride to Squamish this weekend? I am headed up tonight or early Saturday morning, and returning Sunday night, and am looking for someone to go with to split on gas. I am going to boulder, but would maybe do some routes one of the days.
  5. Hi, Anyone interested in doing some sport climbing at exit 32 this Thursday? I am meeting my girlfriend there after she gets off work, but I wanted to go earlier and get a full day in. Call me at 206-465-2691 if you are interested. Cam
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