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Everything posted by HADU

  1. Greetings All: Anyone know what the conditions are in the Wallowas? Is there still good snow? And if so, any recommendations for a 3 day ski trip, preferably on mellow terrean? Any inexpensive backcountry accomodations (yurts, cabins, huts, etc.) to avoid packing a tent along? Thanks, and enjoy the spring. HADU
  2. I have a pair of Garmont Veloce telemark boots and am looking for good footbeds for them. The ones they came with suck; no arch support so when I turn my feet flatten and my toes push against the front of the liner; a week or 2 later a few toe nails fall off. Any recommendations for which footbeds are good for arch support? I have heard good things about Superfeet of SOLE footbeds, anyone have good/bad experience with these? Thanks. HADU
  3. So, I once heard a story of a relatively "small," "family" bootmaker (coblers even?) in New Hampshire that makes custom boots as well as contracting out to a German bootmaker to fabricate some models in larger quaitities for them. This sounds like a good thing to me. Does anyone have any experience with Limmer Boots, specifically their heavy weight model "Standard"? I am looking for good leather boots for backpacking with heavy loads, mostly in the OR, WA Cascades and also trips in AK. So, if you have boots you love and would recommend, I would like to hear about them and the conditions you use them under, price you paid, how long you've had them, etc. I have been hiking in a pair of heavy weight Merrels since 1996, they have served me well but are pretty much beaten to dust now. Thanks for your input , HADU
  4. HADU

    winter bag

    good call, scored a feather friends eider on ebay...
  5. HADU

    winter bag

    so, you've never been out in the winter in these parts and wished you had gotten a bag that wasn't such a furnance (lower temp rating)?
  6. time to replace the old winter bag, a big decision i've been fretting over for a few months now, so i'm looking for some guidance. it must be a down bag. use will be backcountry skiing and winter camping in the cascades and points north (until this winter i had been alaskan) my current bag is a marmot -5 that's done me well, but i'm considering getting a bag rated lower. top contenders now are the the moonstone liberty ridge -5, or the moonstone cassin ridge -20. anyone with experience with these bags? suggestions, comments, words of wisdom, long-distance dedications, etc welcomed. thanks hadu
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