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Posts posted by TacomaAroma

  1. Back in college days...Came from a peaceful and family neighborhood and was leaving home for first time. My mother was worried about the "area" that my apartment was in so I invited her up to take a look and see that everything was okay. She came in, walked to the 2nd story balcony to be greeted by some bum in the alley. He then proceeds to shout up, "Hey baby! Want a piece of my dirty d..k? Come on over to my box!" Then he pisses on the ground towards my apartment. Well,it wasn't that bad...


    Remember being about 7 with the big wheels trike. We lived on a steep hill and would start at the top and try to see who would be the first to bail before a 15 foot drop off at the bottom. Needless to say, I stayed on and ended up with a broken ankle, nose, and wrist. That summer really sucked... [MR T]

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