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Posts posted by minx

  1. Doesn’t Article I, section 7 of the Constitution say that all bills that raise revenue must originate in the House?


    I'm not sure if I phrased this right. If it is not constitutional per the commerce clause. Isn't it uncsnstitutional by definition? Just b/c it fits under another section, it violates another so how can it be constitutional at all. I'm serious. I don't understand.


    I would like to see broader health care but I am also staunchly in favor of not throwing out the consitution in the process.

  2. Doesn’t Article I, section 7 of the Constitution say that all bills that raise revenue must originate in the House?


    I'm not sure if I phrased this right. If it is not constitutional per the commerce clause. Isn't it uncsnstitutional by definition? Just b/c it fits under another section, it violates another so how can it be constitutional at all. I'm serious. I don't understand.


    I would like to see broader health care but I am also staunchly in favor of not throwing out the consitution in the process.

  3. Given the average intellect of the cc.com poster, i think the pictorial history is much better.



    could anyone help me find my windshirt and neutrinos?

  4. Jon I understand your point. I truly do. My tuition doubled in the 4 years I was at WSU.


    That said, I don't think people are entitled to post secondary education. It costs money to run a good university. There tuition hasn't gone up in a while. They are talking about a graduated increase over a reasonable amount of time in my opinion.


    I feel their pain. I'm still paying student loans and I have a son about to go to college. However, at some point it becomes ridiculous. Europe is certainly no model for economic success at this point.


    If they were protesting the fact that socialized medicine results in crazy long wait times for treatment, i'm with them. This however seems ridiculous to me.

  5. they are seriously pissed off b/c the price of their college tuition is going to go up a $1000/term over the next 5 -7 years. Seriously...$200/term/year. The cost now is only $1000/term. They are all marching up the street yapping on their smart phones. That's half the cost of the increase. STFU and let me get some damn sleep. Oh and they've got to give the cops 8 hours notice before clogging the streets with 20,000 pissed off people. OOOOOOO....now there's an outrage.

  6. i'm just going to say after having spent a few minutes talking to a couple of the protestors and being forced to observe some of the protest...all i can say is really??? you're pissed b/c you have to give 8 hours notice to protest and you don't like tuition?? seriously???

  7. Poverty is man made.


    Poverty is human nature, wealth and opulence are manmade. Being in Africa right now, I can tell you that the lack of capitalism has not taken a hatchet to poverty in any way.


    If all the wealth in the world was put to better use than greed we could house and feed the entire planet.


    Poverty is man made.


    kevbone...you know i love ya but....


    OMG you're making me want to pull my hairout right now. you feel free to sell your house, move into a tent and re-distribute the proceeds

  8. So wait, you're there a couple weeks and the president shows up to make sure everything is working well. Coincidence - I think not!


    Hey Sobo - did you make a Planet Killer for Barry?





    i can always count on sobo to keep the party going


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