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  1. I climbed in Leslie Gulch several times in the 70's and if I'm remembering the right area I found Smith like rock. I believe I did a 4 or so pitch aid route on a pinnacle and a bunch of free climbs. It was an out of the way place but that was a big part of the attraction.
  2. I climbed in Leslie Gulch several times in the 70's and if I'm remembering the right area I found Smith like rock. I believe I did a 4 or so pitch aid route on a pinnacle and a bunch of free climbs. It was an out of the way place but that was a big part of the attraction.
  3. I climbed in Leslie Gulch several times in the 70's and if I'm remembering the right area I found Smith like rock. I believe I did a 4 or so pitch aid route on a pinnacle and a bunch of free climbs. It was an out of the way place but that was a big part of the attraction.
  4. I climbed in Leslie Gulch several times in the 70's and if I'm remembering the right area I found Smith like rock. I believe I did a 4 or so pitch aid route on a pinnacle and a bunch of free climbs. It was an out of the way place but that was a big part of the attraction.
  5. It's hard for me to believe but over 20 people that I have shared a rope with have died in the mountains. Fortunatly I was never present during one of these accidents. In spite of this I routinely take my children on hikes and climbs. During these trips I keep my friends memories alive by sharing stories about them. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that the kids prefer nordic skiing and hiking/running to climbing. Memorials at the base of climbs are a difficult issue. I well remember friends who made significant contributions to, for example Index, yet few today have any knowledge of them or their climbs. They never wrote any books but Dave, Al, Bruce, Donn, Katherine and others will never be forgotten by those of us who knew them. Perhaps it's enough for us all to remember that people die climbing, to keep the fragility of all of us in mind and to enjoy and revel in the freedom we all find in the mountains. I believe the best memorial is an annual Kropp climb of Rainier. Pick a date to meet at the White River Campground, bike there alone, climb together and bike home with new friends who share a common love.
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