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    Independent Contractor
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    Portland, OR

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. I saw it from Bend Saturday morning, 25 miles away. Amazing propagation.
  2. The climb to Snowking Mt. now starts at the junction of FS Road 1570 and 1571 (Sonny Boy Road) at 1200' where the Forest Service has built a roadblock of three large boulders. The reason for the roadblock is a series of washouts that would swallow your car a little further up the road. Stay on the road until a clearing at 2350' where you reach a clearing. On the left side of the clearing an unmaintained, but clear trail leads into the underbrush and up to Kindy Ridge. After 1500' of invigorating climbing, the slope slackens and you make for the saddle between Point 5116 and Point 5791. We continued up over Point 5791 and two additiona humps on to Cyclone Lake, above which we camped. The climb to the summit was easy, with a little scrambling at the summit block. The views were worth the approach, which is saying something. If you have a GPS, set a waypoint where the slope slackens; you'll be glad you did. Leaves ropes, pickets, snowshoes and harnesses at home. It's an easy climb, but a strenuous approach that makes for an awesome introduction to the Northern Cascades.
  3. Since rte. 242 isn't open yet (check ODOT website for updates), your best access to the PCT is from Devil's Lake TH and head west. We ran into snow around 6,000 feet when we came in from Pole Creek. Looking down on the west side of North Sister, I couldn't see a trail, so I assume that the PCT was under it somewhere. Since both Linto Meadows and Obsidian Falls are over 6,000 feet, I would assume that you'll be in snow hiking through the PCT there. I doubt that you would need snowshoes, but they would keep your feet drier. Good Luck
  4. Climbed North Sister on June 8. Hiked in Pole Creek on Saturday. Camped at about 7,500 feet just east of the SE Spur. Nice camp, access to water and plenty of flat ground. Started at about 3am up the SE Spur. Fair bit of scrambling and steep snow with some nice exposure. Went over Camel's Hump and down to join South Ridge route. Up gully and across traverse on the west side of the pinnacle block. The Bowling Alley is compacted rime ice and hard snow. Would the ice screws have held? Beats me, I'm just glad I didn't need to find out. Free climbed north pinnacle and rappelled down. Got 9 on the summit. Started down from summit at 11am. The traverse was in the sun by 12:30 and softened quickly. I wouldn't recommend it much later than that. Rappelled down the gully and descended via the South Ridge. Dropped off it to the east and traversed beneath the SE Spur back to camp. That traverse sucked, all jumbled scree. Real ankle-breaker stuff, but it was probably the best route. Really fun climb, but I'm not sure when I'll do it again.
  5. Actually, I wasn't in charge and nobody died, sire
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