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Everything posted by Darrel

  1. Darrel

    Mt. Pugh

    Thank you everyone...looks like Pugh will be just what I need this weekend. Alpine Tom, I went to your site and read your report, It was great and the photos make the views seem well worth the hike and scamble. Maybe I will be able to get some photos of my own to share. Darrel
  2. Dru, one other time by the neighbor's wife.
  3. Really do hate the woods. Bad animals seem to always be lurking about...too many places to hide. Get me out of the woods asap. One time on an Alpine start on the road to Montie Cristo my friend and myself ran into wolf...heard more calling him from up the creek. 20 years in the woods of the N.W. never heard or saw any thing like it. After climbing Gothic and coming back we called the Rangers in Verlot and they told us to call there staff Bio-lady in Bellingham. She told us that wolf travel from Canada down into the states all the time. Just more reasons to get above treeline as fast as these old feet will go. But if I must be there for any time at all, I smoke a big fat bowl of BC to calm myself.
  4. Darrel

    Mt. Pugh

    Hi guys...new guy here. I'm an older climber who is way to slow to climb with anyone ( maybe your granmother) but myself. So...I try and go places that are safe and non-tech. I was thinking of going up on Pugh this weekend and saw what Becky had to say about it. Thought I might see what you guys have to say. Trust me...I stay on the dog side of things. Is Pugh don't worth the bother becouse i see no post about it? Anyway...I enjoy reading your post here and hope you guys don't mind an old climber hanging (lurking) about. Thanks in advance, Old has been
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