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Posts posted by horsecock

  1. Why split hairs?



    1 part HC

    1 part brown rice syrup

    1/2 part espresso

    and 1 part chocolate extract for the chocaholics out there.


    Add vodka to taste.






    actually, Gu has more chocolate in in than Hershey's Syrup (from an inside source). I have started just using brown rice syrup tastied up with whatever sounds good at the time.


    The best flavor of Gu is: FREE SAMPLE from REI or other over priced outlet.



  2. "But we are French!" the couple says and blows through the Tioga entrance station after asked for $20 and waiting in line for 2 hours. Road Patrol 'escorted' them to the back of the line and reappeared just in time to watch them pay.


    Another good TM one, asking about HD before they get down to the 'Walley': "Do they light it up at night?"


    Or, another personal favorite: "Is the tram to the top of El Cap still running?"


    At least twice a day at the entrance station: "Is that snow up there?" "Yes" At this point half of the car would start laughing and the other half would look as stupid as they should.


    "All you need is those special shoes"


    E: "I've got my rack and I'm ready for a summer in the Valley."

    Me: "Really? What did you get?"

    E: "10 quickdraws and a 50m rope"

    Me: Silence.




    Fun incident at Camp 4 boulders: wandering around with 12 pack trying to high point slabs. Come across guy with *new* shoes trying to impress his girlfriend on a traversing problem with a mantle finish and not making much headway. Bob asks if he can give it a run, shakily sets down empty 12er box and sends it cold.


    "why don't you put up a fence around the campground to keep the bears out?"


    and the list goes on....

  3. I actually put a bullseye on top of one of my helmets for a while. Of course, my parnter's nickname was bullseye due to his amazing ability to peg me in the head with rocks. [Mad][Mad]


    Personally, I would recommend using the labels from fine meat products, such as summer sausage. Great way to keep your partners hungry as they stare at your pack on the way out, eh? [chubit]

  4. Setup: You are driving down a narrow logging road in your BF F250 longbed (cans in the back for effect) after a good days climb. Out of nowhere a Caravan pulls in front of you. You can either drive off the road and save the mini-van or smash it.


    Here's the question: Do you want cheese with your burger when you get back to Dick's? [chubit]

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