I'm hoping to climb the NE butt. of Slesse this coming weekend (8-16/17-03) and was wondering if anyone out there had been on the mountain recently or heard about current conditions. I'd specifically like to know the condition of the pocket glacier (I hope it's gone!) and given it's condition what the best approach to the ridge proper might be. Knowing this would help big time when it comes to gear selection (crampon? axe?, deathwish?, etc.) Is this not a good time to be anywhere near the glacier? Or is it still pretty straight forward?
It would also be helpful to know approx. times for the approach and descent for a fit party of two under good weather.
If there is another party out there wishing to climb it this weekend and combine forces (vehicles) with us it would make the whole shuttle business way smoother. You can email me at <climberjohn@hotmail.com>
Thanks for the help. I normally don't mind figuring things out once I'm a mountain, but this sucker is many many hours drive from home. The more I know up-front, before leaving town, the better. Climb on!