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Everything posted by pacificrain

  1. is there one tonite? time and place?
  2. i will try to attend one of the pubclubs and you have to judge and tell me if i am scary or not
  3. ...iam still bitter because i directly ask this guy that i climb with if he is interested to have sex with me and he was appalled by the whole thing it seems funny that men doesnt seem to know what they want...if we women are too agressive they back out..if we are too passive is not enough, granting that he was scared to ruin the friendship as climbing partners but why cant be sex be sex nothing more ,if myself as a woman can handle that they why mostthese adrenalin extremist men shy out from , so it seems ..who else could handle this????
  4. ..that makes a lot of sense why french women dont shave their armpits and pubic region... so the french men could floss while lapping 'em up...sounds so kinky:)...ok im just horny and the thought is driving me crazy.hmm i think im gonna head out to my room.
  5. Iam looking for climbing partner to go to either Index or Smith or wherever closeby...from tomorrow to Sunday or Monday...Iam on vacation and could go anytime with a little bit of planning.
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