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  1. eze

    Lost Shoes

    ok ok so if you want to get technical... guess that's why i'm "on belay". that's for the catch e
  2. Hey all, spaced out on my shoes at Exit 38 on Friday, July 5th. Would love to get them back. After years of break in and a recent resole they're just right. They are Mythos and I think have my name or initials in them (Eric Adler) Thanks! eze
  3. eze

    Lost Shoes

    Hey all, spaced out on my shoes at Exit 38 on Friday, July 5th. Would love to get them back. After years of break in and a recent resole they're just right. They are Mythos and I think have my name or initials in them (Eric Adler) Shoot me an email if you have any thoughts ezadler@hotmail.com Thanks! eze [ 07-10-2002, 10:17 AM: Message edited by: eze ]
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