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Posts posted by alicia

  1. Okay, there's something here I'm not getting. The buddy's I've been climbing with all have girlfriends who don't want them taking off for the summer, so I'm trying to find other people to climb with and maybe travel with this summer. It's cheaper and more fun. Big deal. There's plenty of people looking for people to climb with on this site. But because I'm female there's a problem?

    I'm used to wading through the sexist bullshit. I had to do it when I started landscaping, I had to do it when I took Kung Fu, I had to do it when I went hitchiking around Mexico, BY MYSELF. Usually after the initial cracks a couple cool people show up, and it's all good. What's the deal kids, can we get over sexuality? For all you know I'm a babyboomer and 40 lbs. over weight.

    You were all beginners once. You had people haul yer ass up a mountain until you figured it out. What's the deal?

  2. Hey Rodeo and all-

    New to this site, new to climbing. I'm planning on hitting the road from May-Aug. Like to do a traveling/climbing/hiking/roadtrip bonanza. Looking for other climbers who are: A)better than me, B) have gear, gas $. I have a harness, shoes, bag, and kick-ass RELIABLE Trooper.

    I want to start climbing with people over the next couple months, get to know 'em, etc. before hitting the road. Like to go to Bend, Yosemite, maybe the Tetons, Banff. Wherever, as long as it's gorgeous and sunny. More of a cider girl myself, though. wink.gif" border="0

    Good to hear feedback on places to visit!

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