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Posts posted by EW

  1. Just a quick note on the Viper -- I work for BD so this is the latest info on this tool.


    The Viper is being manufactured now and should be available within a few weeks. It's a killer tool with all the features of the Cobra (similar head parts, uses the same picks, big clearance, etc.)but a few critical changes. The Viper shaft isn't carbon fiber so you don't get the vibration dampening. It's an aluminum shaft with slightly more clearance. It has a different, smaller diameter grip that as others have pointed out, should fit smaller hands alot better.


    The killer part is -- there's an Android leash you can get that bolts straight to the shaft with no webbing component attached to the head of the tool. Also, there's a cool "leashless" attachment that bolts on to the spike area of the Viper that works really well. That part is called the Viper Fang.


    We should have demos of these things at all the big ice festivals, etc. this fall and winter.



  2. Let me preface this post by saying that I work for Black Diamond. I'm the NW rep and I'm based in Washington.

    I don't cruise this message board very often but I am curious to hear what climbers have to say on this thing. I learn quite a bit about what people think and say about gear and that's part of my job.

    re: any product that's not fulfilling the buyer/user's expectations. BD is a pretty flexible company. Simply put, we want people to be happy with what they've spent their money on. If the person who posted the original message about the Dry Tool Gloves isn't happy (and it sure appears that they're not), by all means get them back to BD. If you bought them at a local shop or online or via catalog, figure out how to get them back BD and we'll get you a new pair or refund your money - no questions asked.

    I hope this helps.


  3. Hmmm...intelligent thoughts.....I don't know about that...but....Most of what has already been posted is good advice. I'd go for knotted webbing first as it's cheaper, pretty strong (less overall strength by about 15% or so than a bartacked runner)and can be done in a few minutes without having to ship your gear off to someone to do the bartacking. I'd shy away from cable for one possible reason - I'd bet that cabling cams would make them harder to use in most situations. Cable is usually really stiff and unwieldy unless it's compressed into a sleeve, like a wired nut, etc. My .02.


  4. Hakioawa, you're right on track. the Denali XT is not available now in the US/Canada. However, it will be this coming fall. I work for Black Diamond. We import Scarpa to the US and Canada. Your assessment of the boot is right on too. It's essentially a really stiff shelled Denali. The fit should be the same as the old Denali, as the shell last and molds are the same. Have you found that to be true?

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