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Posts posted by Heinouscling

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by daisy:


    Originally posted by Heinouscling:

    Hey, speaking of sporto betties, who was the blonde gal, on Heinouscling, wearing the skin tight, little tiny shorts? Damn, was she ever nice eye candy !!!!
    [big Grin]





    that was me. 3 showers later i can still feel the slimy tracks your eyes left roving over me.

    Ahh fuck. Not you again. Well, I'm sure, 3 days later, I'll be able to see the slimy tracks you left on Heinouscling! Beeeoch!!!





  2. Lets see, Saturday I tried a couple of new routes to the right of Phoenix. Got on a route called "Harvester Of Sorrow". It turned out to be a most excellent route. Its starting to get more chalk. Tried the route that clears the bulge to the left of Harvester. That thing is rated 11c but my friend, who climbs solid 12 had trouble with the crux. Finally ticked that route on the far left side of Phoenix buttress that goes up the arete. Got on Take A Powder. Most fun but found the crux to be pissin hard. All in all, another superb weekend of Smith climbing.





  3. quote:

    Originally posted by Muffy The Wanker Sprayer:



    you may not agree with cavey or greg on many things, but as for greg when I wanted to climb my first MULTI PITCH climb he offerd to take me. to rope gun and hang out with me for a day and teach me about something I have never done before. You didn't. NONE of the so called APROPRATE people jumped up and said "hey sk, I can help you out" Greg did. In my book, even though he may fuck with people, he is good people.


    BTW that all happend on and because of this bored. I climed two multi pitch routes just last weekend and had a great time CLIMBING with people that I met threw this BBS.


    so what was your problem again??? People arn't nice enough??? maybe you are the problem??? I am a suck shit climber and the slowest hiker in the world and still manage to climb with and meet people and learn things via this bbs that you say holds no true content.... whatever
    [Roll Eyes]

    You easily hook up with climbers on this site? Do the two words "tits" and "ass" mean anything? For fuck's sake, of coarse you're going to easily hook up. For every woman on this site, there's 50 horny, swinging horse cocks just waiting to jump on you. Women have it so easy in the climbing community! You need an experienced climber to go up El Cap with? Done! You need to hook up to roadtrip to Red Rocks? Done! You need a nice, big horse cock? Done!





  4. quote:

    Originally posted by Muffy The Wanker Sprayer:



    you may not agree with cavey or greg on many things, but as for greg when I wanted to climb my first MULTI PITCH climb he offerd to take me. to rope gun and hang out with me for a day and teach me about something I have never done before. You didn't. NONE of the so called APROPRATE people jumped up and said "hey sk, I can help you out" Greg did. In my book, even though he may fuck with people, he is good people.


    BTW that all happend on and because of this bored. I climed two multi pitch routes just last weekend and had a great time CLIMBING with people that I met threw this BBS.


    so what was your problem again??? People arn't nice enough??? maybe you are the problem??? I am a suck shit climber and the slowest hiker in the world and still manage to climb with and meet people and learn things via this bbs that you say holds no true content.... whatever
    [Roll Eyes]

    You easily hook up with climbers on this site? Do the two words "tits" and "ass" mean anything? For fuck's sake, of coarse you're going to easily hook up. For every woman on this site, there's 50 horny, swinging horse cocks just waiting to jump on you. Women have it so easy in the climbing community! You need an experienced climber to go up El Cap with? Done! You need to hook up to roadtrip to Red Rocks? Done! You need a nice, big horse cock? Done!





  5. I don't think CC.com has "jumped the shark" at all. IMHO its just gotten better as the months go by. Of coarse, I spent six years in the military, so theres nothing any of the anonymous fucks on this site could say to me that I would find offensive. As for the peeps that want something nice, happy, and clean (and boring!), go visit barney.com or some shit like that. Climbers have a long, storied history of being crude and vulgar slobs. I find it very entertaining and enjoyable to hang with such a crowd. If someone doesn't like it, then (s)he can piss off. This site is like an organism. If its going to become a clean and happy site, it will happen eventually. Also, I don't understand why someone would be afraid to post. As pointed out, you're anonymous. Of coarse, said poster should understand that there's a real person behind the shield, which is why I try never to take personal jabs at anybody. If I piss anybody off, I try to piss off all of CC.com or nobody at all.





  6. I don't think CC.com has "jumped the shark" at all. IMHO its just gotten better as the months go by. Of coarse, I spent six years in the military, so theres nothing any of the anonymous fucks on this site could say to me that I would find offensive. As for the peeps that want something nice, happy, and clean (and boring!), go visit barney.com or some shit like that. Climbers have a long, storied history of being crude and vulgar slobs. I find it very entertaining and enjoyable to hang with such a crowd. If someone doesn't like it, then (s)he can piss off. This site is like an organism. If its going to become a clean and happy site, it will happen eventually. Also, I don't understand why someone would be afraid to post. As pointed out, you're anonymous. Of coarse, said poster should understand that there's a real person behind the shield, which is why I try never to take personal jabs at anybody. If I piss anybody off, I try to piss off all of CC.com or nobody at all.





  7. I think chest beating is subjective. When someone starts a thread on Monday morning asking everybody what they did during the weekend and I respond "I did Bloodshot". Is that chest beating? Some may say "yes" because there are some that may not be able to climb BloodShot. Others may be able to do laps on Bloodshot and they would not think it to be chest beating. I can tell you that I am certainly guilty of getting excited about a route that I ticked and telling people. Hey, its part of climbing. Take it as you will. Humans are, by their nature, competitive. That doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it. Sharma and Graham worked together to get Sharma up Realization.





  8. quote:

    Originally posted by Chongo:


    Originally posted by Heinouscling:

    About the only chest beating I've seen on this site is when someone climbs a really fun, high quality route, and it also happens to be hard. That person wants to talk about the route because maybe its so fun, (s)he feels that others need to know about it so that others can experience the climb. Or maybe the climber is interested in some beta on the crux. -Heinous

    About the only chest beating Ive seen on this site aside from 2% milk dud here, is ol' Anus Jing making up for small dick by telling us how he can ALMOST!!!! do 1-move wonder 11d.
    [Roll Eyes][Wink]
    How can you consider me discussing the crux on Ring Of Fire to be chest beating? I couldn't get through it man! That can hardly be considered chest beating. If I did get through it and then posted "Hey all you mofos, I did the crux on ROF!", I would call that chest beating. Theres a difference between telling someone what routes you climbed during the season and getting on this site and yelling out "Hey all you fuckers, I just ticked my first 12a!!!".





  9. About the only chest beating I've seen on this site is when someone climbs a really fun, high quality route, and it also happens to be hard. That person wants to talk about the route because maybe its so fun, (s)he feels that others need to know about it so that others can experience the climb. Or maybe the climber is interested in some beta on the crux. Most climbers are careful about chest beating on this site, or should be, because you never know who you might run into on the crags outside. You're gonna look really silly if you've been thumping your chest on this site for the last month and you can't get up that 5.10 outside. Also, I agree with others in that unless you just ticked Realization, chances are, no matter what you just climbed, you're probably still just another stinking turd in the punch bowl and frankly, aside from maybe your spouse or significant other, nobody really gives a FUCK what you just climbed and isn't really interested in hearing the details, unless that person also is working the route. I say enjoy climbing for what it is and appreciate the climbing experience while you can because soon enough, we're all gonna be a rotting, maggot infested corpse and then, for certain, nobody will give a flying fuck about the routes you climbed during your life. So thats all I have to say to all you fucks on this site so just fuck off and enjoy your weekend everybody.





  10. quote:

    Originally posted by sisu suomi:

    All right trask. Nice ram. What range were you in? Who was your guide or were you with relitives? I am assuming you are hunting in Alaska, so when you answer the range where in the range. I shot my first ram in the Caribou Creek area of the Talkeetna mountains. Stumbled into a mining operation and was held at gun point for a bit until I could explain who I was and who had given me the OK to stumble where I was. Once that was done I was treated like family. Saw more gold nuggets and dust than I ever thought I'd see in my life time. Ton of fun on that trip.

    Wow, being able to shoot an animal from long distance with a high powered rifle and scope is really impressive (sarcasm intended). You should get a medal. I think if hunters really want bragging rights, they should level the playing field and hunt with nothing more than a buck knife. While wearing nothing more than a loin cloth, no less. Now there's a feat you could blow hot air about to the cute gals at the party.






    [ 09-25-2002, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: Heinouscling ]

  11. I also like a small piece of absorbant fabric. Something I can make moist with a bit of hot water and then I can really scrub my nasty, sweaty ass with it after humping the pack all day. Oh yea, that feels so good. Afterwards, I can play a joke on my partner and stuff it in the sack that (s)he uses as a pillow case.


    A big can of Hormel Chili is really nice also. Especially if I'm sharing a tent with my partner.





  12. quote:

    Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:

    Nice work, Mr. Heinousness! Bloodshot is a fun route, and a great send. Thing is pretty long; you gots ta hang in there for a while! One of those routes that gets you in good shape for sending other stuff.


    You'll get Blackened soon, it sounds like. Nothing like a week off to clear your head and get you psyched to come back and tear the fuckin' holds off that project in a blitzkrieg of sending madness. So where's it shutting you down? The razor-sharp crack, or the razor-sharp pockets?

    Hey, thanks much DFA. Yea, I was feeling quite good after sending Bloodshot. I utilized the rests before the two cruxes to their maximum. Its a very doable 11c provided one has the patience to use those rests. Unlike, Vomit Launch which doesn't really let up until you're at the anchors. Although, there are some good jug rests on Vomit but the damn thing is so steep, you're on your arms almost the whole time.


    I lost the onsite on Blackened when I got to the right hand crimp about 7 feet below the anchor or so. You pull down hard on the crimp with the right hand and get the big jug with the left. Its a one move 11d crux but, damn, is that crimp ever painful. I think Blackened also has a lieback crux down lower when you pull over the bulge. That lieback was fun. I'll be gunning for Blackened this coming weekend.


    Theres a couple of routes just left of Blackened up this really steep bulge. Damn, those routes look pissen hard.



  13. quote:

    Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:

    Ah, yes. The Doctor almost blew the flash at the long jug move, too. Lost the ability to claim onsight after watching the video of the route on smithrock.com and seeing Lawson huck for the jug. DFA remembered that tidbit as he was getting ready to give up, and decided to try the hucker, which paid off with the sharp bucket. It's definitely in your face right there. Shabby footholds for a couple moves, too; the Doctor was skating all over the place.


    You ought to take a spin on Purple Aces over at Shipwreck. Similar climbing, vert to off-vert, with a bit of physical stuff at the bottom and then an unnervingly blank and tenuous finish. Super fun; that route doesn't see enough traffic.

    Yes, the first time I tried it, during the onsight, I hucked for the bucket also. After I broke skin on the crimp and squirted blood all over the rock, I opted for a different strategy. I clotted the split tip with chalk (ah yes, that chalk is good for something after all), and then was able to make the move statically, although, without howling in pain. Tis a great route. Yes indeed.


    Funny you mention Shipwreck wall. Thats definitely where I shall be part of the time next weekend. Tis a fine selection of routes on that wall. [Wazzup]



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