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    Portland, OR, USA

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Thanks for the detailed response! I'm hoping to get out there this weekend. I've seen people climbing near Crown Point and wondered what the routes were like there. I'll have to try that, too, another day. Tim
  2. Has anyone ever climbed Rooster Rock in Oregon's side of the Columbia Gorge? I'm looking for info on the route up. I know it's a double rope rappel to get off it, but what's the climbing like? Trad or bolted? Thanks. Tim
  3. I think there's potential rock routes on the upper section of Saddle Mountain (northern Coast Range). I've done some off-trail scrambling there and saw a nice, sharp ridge that could be climbed with gear.
  4. Yes, I am talking about heading straight up from the crack, not heading right or left. The right hand route along a lose rock ramp looks to be the standard way and just a scramble. I'm not good at estimating grades--that's why I posted the question here. If the pitch was at a local crag instead of being so exposed at the top of Broken Top, I'd say it was low 5th class (5.3 - 5.5). Are route grades adjusted for exposure, lose rock, etc? TimB
  5. I climbed the NW ridge of Broken Top a few weeks ago and am wondering if anyone knows what the top 50' pitch is rated? Instead of scrambling to the top after climbing the 10' crack, my wife and I climbed straight up a narrow, exposed fin to the summit. Tim
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