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Posts posted by melonhead

  1. Just to throw down the gauntlet, a group of Kurts' Arbopals got together on Monday and raised $4000 for Kurt's trust fund. Those of you who are also self employed know how poorly we are generally insured in a catastrophe such as this. 3 weeks and counting at Harborview, it seems pretty clear that the guy will be facing some big bills in the coming months before he can get back to work.

  2. Take it for what it's worth but I for one am not too worried about Kurt. I've known him long enough to have seen him through a couple or three other major wrack ups and rehabs, always out doing the docs' prognosis, mostly out of pigheaded pride. So don't even for a minute start regarding him as an invalid. A man of many nicknames, to me he's always been the Feckinator but I might have to elevate him to human cockroach status after bouncing back from this little trip.

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