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    Seattle, WA

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Big Plastic Boots! Size 14 Koflach Viva Softs in excellent condition. Dark purple with black liners. Liners are in great shape - a couple of very minor tears in the top padding, soles in like-new condition. Boot sole is in perfect shape, toe and heel grooves have absolutely no wear. This is a nice pair of boots - they're just too big for me. $150 in U.S. dollars. E-mail me at e-curt@home.com for more info or photos if you're interested. [ 11-17-2001: Message edited by: Curt ] [ 11-17-2001: Message edited by: Curt ]
  2. But mountain climbers find it hard to live without dreams and goals. We are gripped by the idea that we are seekers and conquerers of a barren land, doing things that a "normal" person would never envision. But mountaineers are only different in the activities we choose because we have found, within ourselves, somthing that all are seeking. It is hard to live without that feeling once experienced. Perhaps we are only different fromt those who have the dreams - but do nothing about them. -Silvo Karo
  3. We were up to Camp Muir about 6 weeks ago for a skiboard trip. What a blast! Upper snowfield was excellent skiboarding and after walking down rocky trail in ski boots (sucks) near Pebble Creek we connected dirty little snow patches and made it within a hundred yards of Paradise. How would the skiing be on Observation or Echo? I'd be pretty excited to ski in late August or September. Worth carrying them up? Thanks for the info. I'll look into Black Peak...
  4. Doesn't Daniel/Hinman cross glaciers with pretty sizeable crevasses - i.e. roping up? I know there's also a scramble route to Daniel, but we're looking for snow, not rock. Definitely let me know what you find!
  5. Hello all. Hoping someone can help me with some route suggestions. I'm looking for climbs that involve moderate snow (crampons and axes - no ropes) to take a couple of friends relatively new to mountaineering on. We did Adams (South Spur) a few weeks ago and it was a perfect introduction. I'd love to find a couple more climbs similar to this before getting into the glacier/crevasse stuff. Unfortunately, this is a crappy time of year to be looking for snow - particularly this year. Any suggestions?
  6. i'm not the curt mentioned in the earlier post above.i don't think you understand about these guys bozo.i think you pissed them off and i believe they are intense enough to figure out who you are.i feel sorry for you now smart guy....
  7. i'm not the curt mentioned in the earlier post above.i don't think you understand about these guys bozo.i think you pissed them off and i believe they are intense enough to figure out who you are.i feel sorry for you now smart guy....
  8. you're a dumb ass dude. that guy called who cares was a dick and insulted several people online. those folks were right to call him out on it. you washington people make me laugh and you can't climb worth a shit either, but you think you can. where i come from what who cares did is called cowardice. there are many cowards on the internet hiding behind their digital identities. i met mike adamson several times at spire rock, fossil rock, and in oregon in 94-95. he's a stand up guy. he could also pull your arms off if he wanted to skinny climber bretheren. drill sergeant personality and built like an NFL fullback. i'm 6'2" and 200lbs and i was very intimidated by him. i would say you're lucky that your faces are hiding behind these brain boxes or who cares would be in the hospital right now. probably smart ass commentators are included in that category.
  9. you're a dumb ass dude. that guy called who cares was a dick and insulted several people online. those folks were right to call him out on it. you washington people make me laugh and you can't climb worth a shit either, but you think you can. where i come from what who cares did is called cowardice. there are many cowards on the internet hiding behind their digital identities. i met mike adamson several times at spire rock, fossil rock, and in oregon in 94-95. he's a stand up guy. he could also pull your arms off if he wanted to skinny climber bretheren. drill sergeant personality and built like an NFL fullback. i'm 6'2" and 200lbs and i was very intimidated by him. i would say you're lucky that your faces are hiding behind these brain boxes or who cares would be in the hospital right now. probably smart ass commentators are included in that category.
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