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Everything posted by Curtis_Baxstrom

  1. Hi, I'm planning a trip up to Jack Mt. from the northside after July 4th. Anybody have any beta if the cornice is breaking down or still large secondary to the heavier than normal snowfall? Thanks,curt
  2. Hi again, we are planning to go up through Cascade Col and from camp(Kool-aid lake?) go under NE Buttress, traverse Formidable glacier and then access N.Ridge to summit, descend probably the same. Any thoughts? thanks again! Curt
  3. Hi, anyone been up this route to Formidable? Trying to locate some recent Beta, thanks, Curt
  4. Regarding Lasik, be careful as one of the most common side effects is dry eyes/increased dry eyes. With Lasik the cornea is denervated(nerves cut to surface) and thus your eye doesn't know when it is dry. Thus you can easily get corneal abrasions secondary to dryness and decreased visual acuity at times. Good reason to use glacier glasses with sideshields. I've had lasik and experience alot of dryness, I actually need to put drops in regularly just as when wearing extended wear accuvue contacts. A new procedure called "intacts" is probably going to be a better alternative to lasik as only a small portion of the cornea may be denervated. They actually put two small plastic rings in the cornea which pull the cornea flat reducing they nearsightedness. Another advantage is that it is reversible, they can just take them out and you won't know the difference. One other advantage is that you won't as likely get any aberrations(halo's around lights) as with Lasik as no tissue is burned and/or removed from the cornea. Good Luck!
  5. Hi, anybody been up to Jack Mt. lately? Wondering if any water/snow left in the camp area for a south approach? Thanks,curt
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