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CC.com turns 14 today


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Fourteen years ago today my best friend and I started CascadeClimbers.com. I made another great friendship with Porter when he joined us in running the site. As I look back at all we have accomplished here I’m incredibly grateful for all the awesome people I’ve met through this, and all the friendships it has forged. I hope you all feel the same way. Thank you for all the great TRs and time that you have invested in making cc.com a great place a great resource, and a place to spend part of your day.


Still committed


We are still committed to keeping cc.com a great place to come together. In the coming months we will hopefully be upgrading our forum software to something modern and more enjoyable to use. It has been a slow process but it will be worth it in the end. We’ll also be cleaning up the site a bit, based on some feedback we’ve received, removing some of the advertising, some of the social media buttons, to make a cleaner, more enjoyable site to visit.


A new chapter


We’ve been experimenting with writing for many years now and we decided it’s time to level up. Starting today we will be adding authors who will be writing for us every week. The goal here is to build a self sustaining writing ecosystem that compliments the forums. You’ve likely seen many of Blake Herrington’s blog posts, and I’m happy to announce that he will be joining us every week from now on. This weeks post is about how to rappel safer, in wake of a number of accidents this summer. John Frieh will be joining us every month, focusing on ice and training. He’ll have a post for us later in the month. We also have a couple other people getting posts ready who we aren’t quite ready to announce, but they are well known cc.commers and I’m quite stoked they have agreed to be part of this.


This will be an expensive endeavor on our part, but we feel it’s worth it based on the response we’ve received to the previous writing. We are against paywalls here at cc.com, but if you would like to contribute to help fund the writing, or cc.com in general, we’ll have a Memberful signup later today where you can contribute as little as $3/month to help pay our writers and get this off the ground.


Thanks again everyone for all the great years, and here’s to fourteen more (omg!)

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