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Merry Christmas from Mars


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The Mars Curiosity team just announced that the rover has likely made an historic discovery - details in early December after more experimentation.


"Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us."

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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the martian surface is actually made of a red-tinged version of cocaine - the entire (surviving) cast n' crew of the original battlestar galactica is currently en route, armed w/ the largest straw mankind has ever fashioned :)


the breaking news is that Mars is only 10,000 years old ;-)


Have you ever SEEN mars? Your data is no better than mine!

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The Rover Just learned the true name of Mars is Malacandra and C. S. Lewis was right.


On Malacandra there are three native hnau, reasoning species such as humans ("sentient races" in popular science fiction terms).

The hrossa (singular hross) resemble bipedal otters or seals, and are somewhat taller and thinner than humans. They live in the low river valleys (handramit in the speech of the eldila) and specialize in farming, fishing, and performing arts such as dancing and poetry. They are especially gifted in making poetry; yet they refuse to write it down as they believe that books ruin words and poems. Their technical level is low, and they wear only pocketed loincloths. The boats that they build are similar to our canoes. They add an initial /h/ sound to their words.

The séroni (singular sorn; the plural is sometimes given as sorns) are thin, fifteen-foot-high humanoids having coats of pale feathers and seven-fingered hands. They live in mountain caves of the high country (harandra in the speech of the eldila), though they often descend into the handramit where they raise giraffe-like livestock. They are the scholars and thinkers of Malacandra, specializing in science and abstract learning. Their technical level is high, and they design machinery, which is built by the pfifltriggi. Although they can write they do not compose written works of history or fiction as they feel the hrossa are superior at it.

The pfifltriggi (singular pfifltrigg) have tapir-like heads (with a bulge at the back containing the brain) and frog-like bodies; they lean their elbows on the ground when at rest, and sometimes when working with their hands. Their movements are quick and insectlike. They are the builders and technicians of Malacandra. They build houses and gadgets thought up by the séroni. They are miners who especially like to dig up "sun's blood" (gold) and other useful and beautiful minerals. They are the only species said to wear a form of clothes, other than the hrossa, and even wear goggles to protect their eyes.



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Not so fast


“John was excited about the quality and range of information coming in from SAM during the day a reporter happened to be sitting in John’s office last week,” Webster wrote. “He has been similarly excited by results at other points during the mission so far.”


“It won’t be earthshaking,” he said in a later phone call, “but it will be interesting.”

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