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Mount Hood -- last day of 2010.


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didn't go up luetholds or the reid iain so i don't know about the queen's chair - one of your pmr buddies, erik, was up on the hogsback w/ me and he pointed out a crown in the vicintiy of the west crater rim - didn't seem dangerous to me, but then i'm a sinner in the hands of an angry god :)

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I was on the summit on Monday, nice late start had us on the summit at 3pm..Yea for cold weather climbing!!! temp inversion kept temps nicely in the 20's, winds upper teens on summit. Groomed slopes made for good skinning. Stached skis at Palmer, boot pen to 10,100 variable from surface to 8". Top layer light snow with poor bonding but no big wind layer. Snow Pit at 10,300 SE aspect on 30 degrees failed at 23cm on a Q1 CT 26. Bond failed on a rounding surface. LIttle energy or propagation observed in pit. Another smaller pit revealed similar. Bootpack to hogsback is a low traverse with 2 traverses from hogsback to west crater, lower traverse just above the hot rocks seemed the better option. A little ice step in 2 oclock gully has climbers heading straight up to the rim. Bergshrund open on the left but good snow bridge, hogsback spine even more to the left than last year. A good day on the hill for sure


However seems like the weather is changing





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i thought for sure i would see some trip reports, summited on sunday morning, all around excellent conditions, low temps w/ winds 0-10mph


variable snow & ice around 9k, variable snow from unconsolidated to firm wind blown snow with little/no ice above 10k, excellent solid, climbable rime, which may be gone after the weather system


looked like some unstable snow on WCR




Edited by Sheep
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heheh...lets just keep that Mt. Hood in winter time myth going. Keeps the riff-raff out. :grin:


Compared to a spring-time Mongolian Horde Siege of the Hoodwand, things were downright pleasant Sunday morning. A relatively leisurely parking lot departure of 5:15am, temp inversion keeping us nice and toasty warm in the low 20s, mostly firm and stable snow, almost windless summit, clear as a bell summit views, slightly less obnoxious than normal boot-pack up the trade route, complete lack of rope/climber-floss teams above you in the old chute, and down in time for breakfast AND a quick session at Smith Rock on the way home...


Yup...the South Side ain't so bad in the winter time. Nice start to the year. The rest of the mountain awaits.

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