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Diamond free solo video!


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Huh?!!! :confused: I thought she was a virgin still?



why does jim look like he was photoshopped in? :)


hey, that was the day ya'll brow-beat me into losing my rain-dawg cherry!


nice bull durham revamp there joe, but is soloing really a team sport? :P

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Speaking of overwrought figurative language, how about the new Alpinist. Some of the writing is so BAD its seriously humorous. In particular, one published fictional "story," written by a female contributor, is extremely high cheese content soft-core climbing porn. Must be difficult to find content these days.


Worse than most of Pat Ament's stuff?



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I'd have more respect if they dropped the pretense and were like, "I solo this shit because I'm badass," like Riordan or Bachar.


Word. I was thinking the same thing.


You mean you didn't like the Alpinist piece where she quoted Christina Aguilera lyrics and described the spiritual enlightenment and egoless state derived from an unelaborated vaguely alluded to personal crisis that created a tortuous personal introspection that caused her to jump from airplanes in fancy suits and ultimately led to a solitary personal journey up the Diamond with two different photographers and which begat the death of the ego and the self?


As I was reading that piece I couldn't help but remember all of the anecdotal evidence that I'd heard that spending your time focusing on helping other people is much better for your mental health than an obsessive focus on your own emotional state.


Not sure if logging 500 hours ladling up beef-stroganoff for transients in a Moab soup kitchen would have provided much in the way of dramatic photos or compelling narratives, but seems like it might have worked just as well for feeling better about being a fit, attractive, intelligent, educated, talented lady that lives in a pretty decent country and makes her living traveling around the world and climbing in beautiful places.


The obsessive-risk-induced-hermetic-focus-on-platonic-gradations-in-one's-own-mental-state-as-a-path-to-enlightenment deal doesn't really resonate with me either, but AFIK no one can touch the guy that I mentioned above when it comes to writing terribly about climbing...

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She should get Ivan to write her script then instead of the losers she has doing it now.

"my gawd, i'd hadn't been so thrilled since i first got fucked in grade-school!"

Did the scout leader ever get out of jail for that?

naw, mine (chico!) went down for fucking a hippie pot-gardener on our summer camp trip to ocracoke i think :)

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What Joseph says about corporate sponsorship is true. She could be thinking all kinds of nasty, interesting things, and not say a word outside of the platitudes we hear for fear of loosing a sponsorship deal.


What Jayb says is right on with Pat Ament, except some of his stuff is pretty good...it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.


Her freesolos are still an amazing thing.... one loose rock falling down from above or a pulled hold...whew.

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it's impossible to talk 'bout climbing w/o sounding like a schmuck - that's why spray is the biggest forum here and the biggest thread there is about fucking cats and the muir hut :)


It's very difficult to talk / write about climbing without sounding like a schmuck, that's why good climbing writing is rare. In the current Alpinist, for example, alongside the b-side amateurism there is also some amazing writing by Kelly Cordes and Tami Knight.

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Climbing is inherently self-indulgent. You might as well be attempting to write something insightful about orgasms or acid trips as far as conveying your experience to others goes. That's why even over decades I've only rarely read anything about actual climbs that wasn't either a droll recitation, a tedious puff-n-blow, or an incoherent rant. It does happen, but overall - like porn - the verbiage and sound are by and large pretty awkward and entirely optional.


P.S. I'd have to side with Bill's wheat 'n chaff assessment of Pat's writing even if it is a whole lot of sifting for the grain...

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I'd be interested if you could find any quotes by Pat Ament that are actually any good. ....


"When you ride your bike, you're working your legs, but your mind is

on a treadmill. When you play chess, your mind is clicking along, but your body is stagnating. Climbing brings it together in a beautiful, magical way. The adrenaline is flowing, and it's flowing all the time."

— Pat Ament.

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Personally I feel a little envy that she is good enough to climb like that, with or without the video crew. People like that will do what they will do. Nothing we think has any bearing on it. It's cool to watch, just like it was cool to watch Jonny Copp in the "sharp end video". And now he's dead. She may die as well if something goes wrong.


What is a little disturbing is how she might have been less likely to do it had she not been paid as much. I wonder how the advertising/sponsoring agency person will feel when the next person they pay to do that bites it.


Sort of reminds me of the days of the gladiators in rome. The public has a hunger for blood. It's you and me at the root of it all, asking her to do that.

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... People like that will do what they will do. Nothing we think has any bearing on it...


... What is a little disturbing is how she might have been less likely to do it had she not been paid as much...


You just contradicted yourself in the same post.


You're off base and definitly out of your element dude.

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The public has a hunger for blood. It's you and me at the root of it all, asking her to do that.


bs. i couldn't care less about the sexploits those two potter and what's her name engage in. don't lump me into that roiling mass.



"recently, all i've wanted to do is free solo. be by myself, that's it." as cameras record every move. ugh, same crap as potter spewed while being filmed.

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It's a serious consideration Mark, especially since the only other climber to do that very route free solo later died free soloing. Makes you wonder what kinds of odds one is getting. I had a friend once tell me that people commonly die every winter freesoloing in Joshua Tree and yet it never makes it further than the local news down there.


Activity Deaths per

100,000 Participants/ Deaths per 100,000 days of participation

SKIING 0.26 / .039

SWIMMING 1.6 .05

HUNTING 0.55 .037




BICYCLING 0.94 .018




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...It's you and me at the root of it all, asking her to do that.



i concur - the only climbing porn i ever see is shit folks link here - somethng about watching clmbing videos reminds me of being 12 and watching skating videos w/ shitty soundtracks on a tv the size a chinaman's dick in a tiny room w/ a fistful of doorknobs :)


now, if she was soloing nekkid...

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The public has a hunger for blood. It's you and me at the root of it all, asking her to do that.


bs. i couldn't care less about the sexploits those two potter and what's her name engage in. don't lump me into that roiling mass.



"recently, all i've wanted to do is free solo. be by myself, that's it." as cameras record every move. ugh, same crap as potter spewed while being filmed.



casting stone you can barely lift... priceless.

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casting stone you can barely lift... priceless.


hey i've noticed you're a really articulate and insightful fellow, with concise and perspicuous analyses of any topic, so maybe you can explain exactly what you mean with your biblical homily? something about the charge i levy being a charge i am guilty of myself, methinks? help a brother out.

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