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The "RuMR Tries To Piss Off Everyone" Thread


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you're a dumbass...first things first...bolts are a great first place to start leading...there's the clipping aspect, there's making sure no rope behind the leg, how to take a fall, etc. etc. etc.


wish we could all be hard like you... :rolleyes:

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Is this supposed to be a big deal? Sounds cool to me. Yeah, fail for no helmet, but he said he learned his lesson about that. Is this gonna turn into another one of those lame rant-fests where everyone can pile on some guy they don't even know with their shock and outrage over his perceived teaching methods? Hey, I know, let's judge him as a parent, too! Chuckleheads.





Edited by rob
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Is this supposed to be a big deal? Sounds cool to me. Yeah, fail for no helmet, but he said he learned his lesson about that. Is this gonna turn into another one of those lame rant-fests where everyone can pile on some guy they don't even know with their shock and outrage over his perceived teaching methods? Hey, I know, let's judge him as a parent, too! Chuckleheads.




i don't know you but i'm pretty convinced you're an idiot...and seeing as how i have kids who climb (quite proficiently, i might add), i wouldn't classify myself as an armchair-qb...

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I don't know you, but I'm pretty sure you've got something stuck up your ass.

pot kettle black...


gee robby-boy...you are right, kids should truck around on bike's without helmets, and lead climb with no instruction guidance or helmets...what was i thinking to be soooo hypercritical


i'm sorry...i wish i could be such a responsible parent as yourself... :rolleyes:



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I'm with Rob. NBD. I've seen monkey bars more dangerous than that climb.


I hope he gets her a foam helmet and not the old school shell/suspension type. Those things are pretty useless for preventing concussions in a fall.

just ditch the helmet...no need for them...drool cups are cheap anyways...

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I'm with Rob. NBD. I've seen monkey bars more dangerous than that climb.


I hope he gets her a foam helmet and not the old school shell/suspension type. Those things are pretty useless for preventing concussions in a fall.


because the skull by itself is so much better.

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Mock Leading vs the go-for-it approach would in fact be a superior method for teaching a child to lead climb. Wearing a helmet is definitively a safer approach as well.


Regardless the whole post seems just sort of off. Particularly this picture...Who's belaying? Whos taking the picture. Why in the hell would you spray about your child taking what appears to be a fairly dangerous (looks like she almost got flipped by the rope) fall? Strange.



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If my kids get interested in this nonsense, I'll teach them how to proceed safely. What I'd worry more about is whether they'd be able to find climbing partners who meet my standards for safety. And even then, I find rock climbers generally aren't the kind of people I'd want around my kids. Too little regard for ethical and environmental considerations, too much weed, very poorly developed sense of responsibility and commitment.

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