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Asshole Roommates


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As a freshman in college my roommate was this Italian girl who spoke no english. She was way into anime and practiced her numchucking all day every day. She also would grow her armpit hair to ungodly lengths and then shave it in the sink in our room. And lastly she believed our dorm room garbage was a proper place to dispose of, um, used feminine products. UGH.

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Once about 15 years ago I had this roomate named Niehn. Niehn was Vietnamese, but really wanted not to be. He would go by the name Nick. But every once in a while he would go off on these diatribes about how superior Asians where and all this crap. He would see Asian women dating White guys and call them "Race traitors" and fun names like that. What was interesting though, he would only date white girls...


Niehn (nick) also liked guns, lots of them. One day I came home from work, and I found him in the back yard wearing a kung fu outfit, a rice hat, and his AK 47 hiding in the bushes in the rain... One time I came home one night with some lady friends, and he opened the door pointing a rifle at us. He was a bit wack.


I moved out soon after the rifle pointing incident. But I guess I was fortunate enough not to catch him naked, stretching out his penis on a dresser...

But then, that would have been a contest you may have won...
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