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Volunteer organizations for climber-type stuff?


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Anyone know of volunteer opportunities to help kids get out and enjoy the wilderness, or organizations that need help from us climber-types with some ropes course or equivalent?

I was thinking the Boy Scouts might have something along these lines. Maybe Big Brothers/Sisters too, but does anyone happen to know for sure by chance? Maybe special ed or disabled kids/adults orgs as well?

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Check out the Special Olympics chapter near you if you want to work with people who have disabilities. They might not have "climbing/ropes course" type activities, however I would be willing to bet they could send you in the right direction.


Also, the YMCA and YWCA typically have a zillion programs revolving around youth and adventure related activities. I bet figger8 would have some good suggestions for ya there.


Do you have ropes course experience?

Just curious.

I facilitate out here in MN. Great job!

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There are a bunch of local summer camps designed to expose kids with various challenges to the outdoors.

I don't have first-hand knowledge of any of them, but friends who've volunteered for these types of organizations (Camp Goodtimes) say the experience rocks- if you're into that touchy-feely love-and -nurture type of stuff.

I considered it, then selfishly decided to pursue my own climbing agenda.

Here's a link to some local camps, if you're into that sort of thing.

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I don't have ropes course experience, I just pulled that phrase out of my head somewhere, I think. What does this entail? I'm not much interested in a long-term commitment with any org right now, I just figured it'd be nice to help out a little.

Squid, thanks for the goldmine of info.

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My wife and I lead a group of kids through Camp Fire. They are all girls and they are a great bunch. We can't do any roped climbing other than at rock gyms due to liability concerns, but we have fun doing all sorts of outdoor stuff. We took a 12 year old girl up Mt. St. Helens two years ago. We started the group at the request of a Camp Fire staff member who wanted to have something that would keep the older kids interested. We have been doing it for three years. I see that you are not sure about a long term commitment, but you might contact your local Camp Fire office and see if they need any help. I can email you a link to our website if you would like. I can't post it here as it has some identifying information about the girls. I will say that introducing people, especially kids to the wilderness is a lot of fun.

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You might want to check out volunteer opportunities with BSA in their older youth program [formerly ' Explorers'], now named 'Adventurers. Believe some BSA councils have such group devoted to high adventures, including roped ascents...


Be advised, one must first be screened, given unfortunate incidents involving a small number of persons with less than positive motives.

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There is a group called "Girls Rock" that partners an adult female belayer/coach/mentor with a "troubled" girl. Vertical World in Seattle hosted the program. I looked into it, but apparently there is not a male equivalent in Seattle, so I was out of luck. A couple of people suggested I start the program from ground zero, but I'm too lazy for that. Maybe you have more energy?


Does Outward Bound have volunteer mentors?

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