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Well, I'll be the wet blanket. Here's an excerpt from Snopes.com


Origins: Contrary to widespread public belief, "gerbil-stuffing" is unknown as an actual sexual practice, nor has a verified medical case of a gerbil (or other rodent) having been extracted from a patient's rectum ever been reported. (Despite the assiduousness with which doctors record unusual items removed from patients' rectums in order to write them up as illustrative cases , a medical journal article involving a gerbil removal has yet to surface.) The notion of gerbilling (not necessarily restricted to homosexuals -- the insertion of items into the rectum for purposes of autoeroticism is practiced by heterosexuals as well) appears to be pure invention, a tale fabricated to demonstrate the depravity with which "faggots" allegedly pursue sexual pleasure.


If you would like more, including links to hilarious stories of real things stuffed where the sun don't shine, go here and run a search on gerbils.



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from web page:

"As for live or recently deceased fauna, rumors of gerbil (and mouse or hanster) stuffing have been circulating since about 1982, and I know of at least one case, in 1984, when a Denver weekly printed a confirmed report of a gerbilectomy in a local emergency room. Unfortunately, such cases have been slow in making their way into the formal literature of medicine."


and just for fun:


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Off_White said:

Well, I'll be the wet blanket. Here's an excerpt from Snopes.com


Origins: Contrary to widespread public belief, "gerbil-stuffing" is unknown as an actual sexual practice, nor has a verified medical case of a gerbil (or other rodent) having been extracted from a patient's rectum ever been reported. (Despite the assiduousness with which doctors record unusual items removed from patients' rectums in order to write them up as illustrative cases , a medical journal article involving a gerbil removal has yet to surface.) The notion of gerbilling (not necessarily restricted to homosexuals -- the insertion of items into the rectum for purposes of autoeroticism is practiced by heterosexuals as well) appears to be pure invention, a tale fabricated to demonstrate the depravity with which "faggots" allegedly pursue sexual pleasure.


If you would like more, including links to hilarious stories of real things stuffed where the sun don't shine, go here and run a search on gerbils.


Unbelievable. Can't believe you people aren't seeing the possibilities here. All we need is some unsuspecting fucker and cascadeclimbers.com can become world famous for the first real world gerbil rectum recovery.


Hmm, actually, we don't really need an unsuspecting fucker, right? We have trask, he'll surely do it.

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