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Trip Report Search


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So I'm pivoting on how I'm going to restore the Trip Report Search function.  Sorry it is taking so long.  I just decided that I'm no longer going to try to get it to work as it was (because the way it was set up was not ideal for several reasons) but instead I'm going to be doing a rewrite so that is better set up for the future and also so that we can enhance it to make it better.

I'm having a friend of mine help with that, so some of the money you all have been sending in is going to go to him he is a super valuable resource to me and will be worth every penny...but at the same time he won't charge too much and views the whole thing as a challenge (he is retired).

For now you can use Google, and forum member and sponsor (thank you Geoff!!!)  @Geoff M documented this handy method of using Google to search our site for whatever it is you're looking for (put this into Google Search:




site:https://cascadeclimbers.com "[TR]" Gorge Ice

Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fcascadeclimbers.com+"[TR]"+Gorge+Ice

Or in other words, search only the site "https://cascadeclimbers.com", the page has to contain the word "[TR]" and keywords like "Gorge", and "Ice"


Of course our model is to dump any reliance on big corporate internet companies as much as possible, so TR Search remains the top priority, but we just went to put it together right and have just started down that road.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welp, bummer, the resource I was going to have redo the TR Search function back out.  He is an old friend, and is newly retired, and honestly I don't blame him at all.  He'd rather be out cutting firewood, which is one of the more noble pursuits in life, and I totally support him in that.  

So I'm going to ask around and see if anyone can do what I have in mind over on the forum support site.  Our current dev may be able to do it too.  But its going to cost more than having my friend do it probably.  We'll see.  This is a super important function, so it will happen.

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I don't know if it will be of any use, but I maintain a search engine specifically for trip reports. CascadeClimber's is included on there in addition to a large number of curated sources. There's no way to filter by site specifically, but CascaseClimber results usually filter to the top due to the well structured titles and content. There's a link here if you're interested in trying it out: https://searchthesummits.com/

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36 minutes ago, FrancisBailey said:

I don't know if it will be of any use, but I maintain a search engine specifically for trip reports. CascadeClimber's is included on there in addition to a large number of curated sources. There's no way to filter by site specifically, but CascaseClimber results usually filter to the top due to the well structured titles and content. There's a link here if you're interested in trying it out: https://searchthesummits.com/

seems like a reason stop gap  till we get the TR Search tool back. thank you.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

 I had to take down the search I was working on with the dev I had.  Too many bugs and I was not happy how things were going with him.   He kept delivering something other than what I was asking and making pretty bad UI.  There were also complications with our board given how old it is, and he was not willing to deviate from vanilla install.

At this point you can use Google or the general site search. Sorry.

I'm super busy right now and I just don't have time to work on this right now.  I'm going to keep the lights on of course, but I just don't have time to improve the site.

If you have coding skills then DM me.  

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