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Ban free speech and you may win the Darwin awards.


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After watching.



Luckily CC has me. So let's look at the timeline, vaccines started in March. Serious cases for the vaccinated will start in Aug 2021 onward. Of course timeline of sickness numbers unknown. But I imagine the winter of 2021-2022 may get crazy. Due to rise of autoimmune and wild and mutation viruses all at once  during winter flu season. Will the elites tie that into a war and big false flag operations? Expect a lot of screaming on TV , lying, like need more vaccines , the unvaccinated causing mutations and so on.


Stock up on salt, butter and popcorn!!!

I suggest being prepared in all ways possible.

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It is a long read, but worth doing, in it note the plan was most conservatives were going to take the shot. What they did not forsee is the rapid change of many conservatives by going to (uncontrolled by dark elites) alternativer media. 


https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org › ...PDF
SPARS Pandemic scenario book - The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security

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But if you are banned and the thread is deleted, did you ever even exist? You’ve proven nothing other than that you’re either extremely gullible or a persistent troll.  Enough to believe the stuff you post about.  What are your credentials? Why should we believe a word you say? Because you read it on a wacko conspiracy website?  Tell us about yourself son.


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Yeah that's my Oly.

Believe it or not I aggravate conservatives as much or more than far leftests. That is because of my ideas on getting out of the coming dark age--that the world is getting ready to enter. To do this i need to start another thread without that much harrassment,  is that possible?

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Me, i am a climber, but mostly retired these days, do some hikes. More into motorcycle dirt bikes these days. Older man , lower testosterone situation. Thats me. Not old by any means, but into multiple things. If you only can look for personal attacks with no debate, that also shows i am right.

Edited by DanO
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This is is no personal attack. You have to understand you’re making absolutely no headway in advancing your ideas here.  Just like you failed to do on the last website. By your own admission you piss off everyone.  I just feel sorry for you.

just wondering what common ground we actually have. Because it would be more fun to talk about that. You do know this is a climbing board right? 

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Lesson,  understand personality types. 

Me ,  i am obsessive, my obsession at the moment and for some long time is to save the world. A thankless task of course. I suspect you are obsessive as well.


Dark elites and their lackeys, tend to sociopaths,  narcissists,  psychopaths.  Look it up. 

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