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About BarefootJake

  • Birthday 04/20/1980


  • Homepage
  • Occupation
    Professional Bum
  • Location
    Port Angeles, Wa

BarefootJake's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. You are welcome to view my December 2014 Moved Chalet photos. link=http://www.barefootjake.com/2014/12/moved-chalet.html
  2. Trip: Olympic National Park - Bailey Range Traverse Date: 9/9/2013 Trip Report: Thought I would share the journey of a summer time traverse of the Bailey Range,ONP. Story told in the form of photography and video. Hope you enjoy it, much as I did taking the footage. Take care - Jake Barefoot Jake Photography [img:center]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-BUxiA66ucjQ/Uxi5Pz9jM2I/AAAAAAAADQA/ZD6jmlWvBmQ/w866-h577-no/SAM_6261-001.JPG[/img] Barefoot Jake Photography [img:center]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-t9RsD4Ffu6Y/Uxi6BjvuKXI/AAAAAAAADTA/b6SSa7kB_3Y/w866-h577-no/SAM_6354-001.JPG[/img] Barefoot Jake Photography [img:center]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vwffHRPuPmQ/Uxi9-tv7kkI/AAAAAAAADYg/2AxjTOLGFtg/w769-h577-no/GOPR8552.JPG[/img] Gear Notes: Minimalist footwear - no traction or arrest aid. A person would at least micro-spikes on a average snow year and Ice Axe. Ultralight Kit - 4 season Mid shelter this year. My tripod arm broke after day one, but used a Bear Can for any low light stills; see, they do have a purpose! Approach Notes: Best Part: Lower Queets Basin. Worst Part: Snow Bridges on the Snow Finger, in a lighting storm. Thirstiest: Sidehilling Stephen, to drop into Cream Basin. Wettest: 2 days on the Skyline. Berries Ate: 398,649. Best View: Just before Bear Pass. Worst view: Seattle Basin. Thick clouds blocked this scenic area. Hardest Day: Lake Beauty to Wolf Bar. 20 mile on the Skyline is no joke. Stayed here to catch the bus out of Amanda Park, back to PA. Saddest Day: Walking the 5 miles of road, before getting a hitch to Quinault. I honestly didn't want it to end.
  3. Thought I would share a few photos and a short video clip to these forums. Shot around the 15th of March. Link
  4. Negative, I'm too poor to afford to fly. I was also airsick for 3 days following this flight, too much of a land lover I guess. Feet on the ground is the best way to travel. Thanks for looking and the comment.
  5. Trip: Mount Olympus Area - Olympic Aerial Photographs Date: 12/7/2013 Trip Report: It was a bluebird day around the Olympic Peninsula. With temperatures well below freezing, made for perfect air quality conditions. Last minute decision to go up and get some beta for possible future adventures. Thought I would share them here, just incase someone is planning a future trip or just wants to daydream. All photos on Barefoot Jake main site. Including Black Glacier, Hubert Glacier, Mount Meany, Mount Queets, Queets Basin to Humes Glacier, Mount Carrie, Mount Mercury and more. PM me, also have aerial shots of Humes 'blizzard pass', Hoh glacier crevasse, Camp Pan and 'glacier pass'. Well as, approach to Mount Queets via Queets Glacier. Photo of 'Lake of the Gods', Mount Tom, White Glacier, West Peak and Snow Dome of Mount Olympus. [img:center]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-vYz2E0tlXUg/UqYy07c_M0I/AAAAAAAACNg/ksKJP7ZMMZg/w1278-h667-no/LakeoftheGodsMtTomOlympus.png.jpg[/img]
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