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Posts posted by geekonskis

  1. Live chicken (let go in the wild around 9000 ft).


    Reading materials: 2 large hardcover Holy Bibles.



    Chicken and bibles, upper reaches of Ranier. Just launches the imagination.


    Aren't hardcover bibles part of the ten essentials for many groups up there? Did you read the chicken relevant biblical passages before setting it loose? And why not set the bibles free, too? Why did the chicken climb Ranier? So it could get away from the bibles... And on and on.



  2. Simple but obscure question here - much rockfall hazard from The Pinnacle and other cliffs above the WSG? OK, maybe not simple; the place can produce some the region's largest rockfalls. But on a more typical day. An early-season day. On the spectrum of "a few pebbles rolled past" to "It was raining whizzing chunks o death so we ran away."




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