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Sam Furley

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Everything posted by Sam Furley

  1. The resident piehole is still oozing turd foam I see. Merry Christmas, fellers.
  2. This is not a race problem, or an abuse of power problem, this is a self-perpetuating stupidity problem. Stupid guy goes in and strong-arm robs a convenience store. He pushes the owner around, throw his weight around being a big baby bully, then goes out into the neighborhood pissed off at the world. Police officer responds to the scene (doing his job as a public servant, not expecting to have to shoot someone), and shoots the stupid guy after an unsettling confrontation and subsequently getting charged by this 290 pound bully. HARDLY ANYONE crying foul in the aftermath is upset with the thief/bully's behavior, they are angry with the public official tasked with bringing this guy into custody. My question is a difficult one to answer - possibly more so than defining the meaning of life; what in the hell is wrong with you people? The stupidity spreads because people go to climbing forums and social media and tap their main source of news about their world (the Daily Show) and listen to their buddies (who do not know their elbow from their asshole) without doing their own independent research and critical thinking and pretend like they're an expert. Is it sad that a kid had to die? YES. Absolutely. I wish it never happened. Is it sad that people don't get the reasons why this whole incident occurred? THAT is the most troubling part, because it speaks to the larger problem we face as a nation - namely, how on earth did people get to this point in their lives that they can't reason logically and non-emotionally, and what can be done to fix it? Thanks fellers, see you in a month or so!
  3. I've got to say, you are THE best at putting your own shortcomings onto others by way of [oft-veiled] insults. It takes a village [idiot].
  4. Some people are afflicted with a combination of stubbornness, NPD, and complete ignorance and while we can't really help them (as much as we'd like to), we can help expose their flaws in thinking to the rest of society who also don't get it. I like how some of the folks on this thread hurl insults that reflect exactly what everyone else already knows about THEM. Blissful ignorance? Indifference? Confusion? Douchenozzlery? YEP.
  5. Hey, YOU in the perpetual state of confusion ^^. Yeah, you. Did you not listen to what Buckshot said? He said, "Even if he was unarmed, which we have established was only partly correct, an unarmed person is COMPLETELY capable of killing ANY OF YOU". So I know it's difficult, but put on your thinking cap and listening ears for a second. Put yourself in the officer's shoes. If you use anything less than stopping force on someone and YOU have a gun and YOU are tasked with stopping that individual who has already disobeyed orders to stop, made threatening gestures, and (as the eyewitness accounts corroborate) made his way back towards the officers, what's to say that's going to be enough to prevent this perpetrator (who has already displayed numerous signs of aggression and unwillingness to cooperate) from taking your gun away from you and shooting you? Do you want to be the one to take that chance? It's easy for you to sit back behind your keyboard with a joint hanging from your lip, scratching your nuts, and speculating and talking out the side of your mouth on something in retrospect. When you have nanoseconds to think in order to save your own ass, you would have done the same thing as Officer Wilson did. In fact you, sir, are the web jockey and putting that (and all your other personal shortcomings) on others only reinforces what people already know about you. This is not a race issue and anyone that has one iota of critical thinking skills will have no trouble grasping this concept. I'm sorry if you're not one of them.
  6. I really think they ought to put this Officer Wilson guy on trial just so we can all watch him get acquitted and get some of these whiners to shut their dang pie holes once and for all. The man would not be found guilty in a court of law - guaranteed. You know what, scratch all that because the same people would be whining even louder about the next issue du jour. Keep on talking loud, you aren't convincing anybody and are most likely turning people against you by being so dense.
  7. cascadeclimbers.com home of deluded armchair politicians that take way too many drugs.
  8. Sam Furley

    election 2014

    Hey ivan feller, you seem like a real reasonable chap. Not to mention you make my pecker soar. I figure there has to be a way for you to talk some sense into your stupid fecker pals who don't know their elbows from their bungholes? 6six foot seven god damn inches and you can't kick your buddy in his ring turd and make him shut his pie hole?
  9. Sam Furley

    election 2014

    Hey there fellers, Feck is right. You can't feckin convince certain feckers they're full of feckin shit.
  10. I'd like to check out your pecker if I could.
  11. On sale here for $200: http://www.mountaingear.com/webstore/Gear/Climbing/Ice-tools/Petzl/Quark-Ice-Tool-Ice-Axe/_/R-223660.htm with free shipping. FYI.
  12. Well christ, it looks like I have to agree with olywanker on this one. The thing is, NOBODY does the original Ptarmigan Traverse.. you even said it yourself. But I don't hear you bitching about all the other people who claim they're doing the Ptarmigan Traverse, yet only climb 3, 4, maybe 5 peaks along the way. Do we have to dress up in wool lederhosen, tricounis, carry an alpenstock, and ride in on a horse and buggy to call our traverse the "Ptarmigan Traverse"? Hell, we're not even in the Ptarmigan Climbing Club, and the year isn't 1938, so it's downright freakin impossible to call anything the Ptarmigan Traverse ever. Me thinks you're taking things too literally and need to lighten up. What Leor and Uli did is cover a shit ton of ground in very short order. I don't see you doing that. In fact, I don't see you doing that in even double or triple that time. So what is there to take away from this feat? Why are you trying to rain on these guys parade? Who the shittin shit cares what peaks they climb along the way? By your definition, NOBODY has ever done the Ptarmigan Traverse except for the original Ptarmigans, yet this is the first time I've seen you call anyone out on it despite there being dozens of Ptarmigan Traverse trip reports put up prior to this one. The first ascent party on Rainier rode in on horses. Do I have to ride in on a horse in order to claim a Rainier ascent? Give me a freakin break! Sincerely, Gobbler.
  13. Auto insurance is only mandatory if you drive a car. Health insurance is only mandatory if you're alive. Furthermore, auto insurance is not a federal mandate. Do you see the difference?
  14. I would encourage you to please get a life and stop worrying about what happened to your precious forum.. read a book, go get an education, do something to contribute to society instead of idling mindlessly on a dying website. YMMV. HTH!!
  15. If there was a contest for the world's #1 douechbag, you'd come in a close second only to your mom.
  16. You all are a bunch of freakin winers.
  17. Easy for you to say.. my brain is freakin HUGE! Not easy to lighten up GAY! when you've got a walnut like I do. It's a vicious GAY! cycle.. my brain is GAY! huge, which in turn builds up my neck muscles. I then GAY! compensate by stuffing my face full of broccoli and GAY! linseed oil and amino acid complex so my brain will continue to GAY! grow. This in turn causes my neck GAY! to get even larger. As you see, it's hard GAY! for me to lighten up because my GAY! brain is in a continual process of rapid growth. This is combination with my GAY! neck muscles make it impossible for me to GAY! lighten up!
  18. OMG!!!! GAY/NOT GAY. Such an important topic of discussion - STOP THE PRESSES! Set everything else aside and bring up the important topics (like what sexual preference one has). Whether we're talking about the economy - GAY! - or the president - GAY! - or climbing - GAY! - or religion - GAY! - or anything else - GAY!.. It doesn't matter. Sexual preference is SOOO important and I try to bring it up in each and every conversation I have anywhere and at any time!!! At least then people know I am passionate about gay culture, gay issues, general gayness, sexual preference, and I find that I am just a well-rounded (and well-liked) individual as a result. I think it's important to reiterate how much I like and appreciate all things gay at every opportunity, and I love to challenge pretty much everyone I meet about their thoughts on gayness, straightness, neither/nor, and just sexual preference in general. If they don't talk about it as much as I do, they are ANTI!!! If people aren't talking about gay issues/culture 100% of the time, then they are obviously ANTI, and I find that I like to take every opportunity to point this out, even if I'm completely full of shit and don't know what I'm even talking about most of the time.
  19. Another aspect nobody seems to be considering is that it's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll.
  20. Sam Furley

    Where's rob???

    Happy Birthday amigo!
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